Winter wonder land my a$$

I'm willing to bet that water fountain will be needing some repairs soon. Funny what freezing temps bring with it.
Actually guilty of having left it in state of disrepair since we bought the place... we just let if hold rain water as a bird bath / doesn't even have plumbing running to it at the moment.

Icicles are thanks to sprinkler left running overnight with secondary purpose of helping to keep pipes from freezing up around the house.

Had two trees I "planted" in buckets of rocks inside the fountain walls but I WAY underestimated the weight of the icicles that would form... both trees had toppled by 2am. We're going to have temps in lower 20s next few nights so will probably go for a round two effort with smaller / lighter trees.


Icicicles really turned out to be huge... just to help give perspective here's my daughter with one of her temporary trophies.

And this southern fella definitely learned something this morning... expected a very hard frost as we usually get them when right below 32, but despite temps in low 20s much of night and early morning we had none at all... guessing due to very gusty winds with this cold front.