For me in Minnesota and wi, soybeans are best for late fall and winter attraction followed by corn. Brassicas are next and winter rye is lightly used. I use rye to attempt to build up sandy soil, but if I want to shoot and feed deer, soybeans are by far the best. I will say that rye greens up the first in early spring and starts feeding the deer early which is a good thing. I think trying a number of options and seeing what works best on your specific property would be a good idea. Good luck
Thanks again everyone on the advice to not till. You saved me many headaches. I am glad I found this and decided to join and ask versus just lurking like I was doing on QDMA.
I went and read the Throw and Mow thread and am pretty excited about what I learned there.
As an FYI, I got alot of my seed (WR, oats, AWP) from the coop-type place in Escanaba MI. I did not buy any of the name brands, but I do try to support Grandpa Rays. That place has been very helpful to me too.
But i feel like every post or picture I see of a plot that is throw and mow the germination just isn't there? Obviously you can see some germination but to me nothing like a tilled plot.. To me they don't look as full of a plot kind of spotty..
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But i feel like every post or picture I see of a plot that is throw and mow the germination just isn't there? Obviously you can see some germination but to me nothing like a tilled plot.. To me they don't look as full of a plot kind of spotty.. I don't know maybe it's just the pictures I have seen
I tried my first throw and grow last year with not so great results. I had an old clover plot that I wanted to do something with. Clover/grass was about 10" tall and I sprayed it with gly, seeded the next day and ran a drag over it. After 2-3 weeks, I didn't see much for germination, so I tilled some of it and left a small section just for comparison.
Here is a pic(Aug 3) a few days after I tilled most of the failed throw n grow. You can see the little section that I didn't till.
View attachment 10553
August 25
View attachment 10554
August 30
View attachment 10555
Yea looks like most of the results I've been seeing... I'm sure it works for some people but to me I don't want to take that kind of chance of the plot not producing
Very interesting. It certainly didn't work for you. What kind of soil?
Heavy clay. I really think for it to work for me, I would need a 2-3 day soaker.
Congrats on the progress! I tried throw and mow for the first time last year, and here is my experience (in case it may help you.) Sprayed the plot area (~ 1 acre) ahead of expected planting, and got a great burndown. Waited until the day before a rain event, spread the seed and then mowed. I put some of everything in the mix, just to see what would "take." WR, Oats, Brassicas, Red Clover, AWP and some radishes. I also broadcast some 13-13-13. The later in the fall, the more the deer used the plot. They were in it during daylight hours all the time, even during hunting season. They kept the whole field mowed short all winter. I debated what to do this past spring, and I decided just to let it go. The WR grew to over 5' tall, but the clover was developing under it. I had no interest in trying to do more for summer food as we are in farming country and there is no shortage of groceries at that time. The plot was never the prettiest, but it worked. There were weeds, but it worked. I didn't keep it looking pretty this summer, but it still worked- the deer and turkeys kept using it some. This year I am trying something a little different, so we will see how it works. This isn't rocket science, and sometimes we make it harder than it has to be. You're getting great advice by experienced guys, you will be fine.Thanks again everyone on the advice to not till. You saved me many headaches. I am glad I found this and decided to join and ask versus just lurking like I was doing on QDMA.
I went and read the Throw and Mow thread and am pretty excited about what I learned there.
As an FYI, I got alot of my seed (WR, oats, AWP) from the coop-type place in Escanaba MI. I did not buy any of the name brands, but I do try to support Grandpa Rays. That place has been very helpful to me too.