Will application of urea hurt clover?

Good to know, I know what I'm doing next weekend
Here is an example of the clover plot over seeded with winter rye.


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What time of year were those pics taken?

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When will the rye die?

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Usually late July, early August it lays down on its own. In my brassica plot I need to weed whip it to plant in early July.

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This is my brassica plot mid June, from a Labor Day weekend planting. I have to weed whip this to plant early July. It gives plenty of weed suppression, and organ matter for the soil.


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Wow, how tall is the rye in this pic?

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Over 5 feet.

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I hope mine's "nodding" that well or more when I get to the cabin next weekend! Means I won't be tempted to use the weedeater! :D I probably won't anyway. Figure I'll broadcast the seed, spray any troublesome weed spots (didn't see any in June) that have cropped up, and let the boys drag the cultipacker over with the UTV. Now that their established, I'm hoping I can get them going with just a bit of seed and work 1X per year.

I bought my WR seed on Saturday. $28/100#. The seed company was having their big technology day, so had a catered lunch. Had my 10yo with me, straight from football practice, so took them up on the offer. I with 2 smoked pork chops/chicken leg lunches I'm effectively at a zero cost for the seed this year! :D
Great thread. I have a couple of plots that are Ladino clover and was wondering if I could just spread WR into it and have it come up.
I am spreading my 3rd layer of oats and rye this coming weekend into my brassica plots, clover plots and my LC mix plots. Depending on how things are growing, I am intending to spread 150lbs of WR and 50lbs of oats. These total about 3 acres. So far I've put down approx. 250lbs of WR, 100lbs of oats, 50lbs of AWP and 50lbs of forage peas. When just broadcasting the seed on my plots, I guess I get around 50% germination. Maybe slightly worse. It is real sandy soil and I have a family of Sand Hill Cranes that live on the property. Between the sand hills, turkeys and tweetie birds, I loose a fair amount of seed.

I will also be putting down the 3rd application of 46/0/0 into my brassica plots. My plots are not real clean so they overlap into the clvoers. I don't see the clover take off like the brassicas do with the fert application but like others have said, the weeds sure do like it!
I usually spread winter rye into my clover plots in the fall, it will come in small in the fall, and fill in the thin spots, then in the spring, it grows big and tall. I let the winter rye in my clover plots fall naturally during the summer. The advantage of this is the winter rye uses the built up nitrogen in the soil, which in turn reduces weeds. The winter rye has a deterrent to weeds naturally, and helps fight weeds. The winter rye pulls up other nutrients from deep down, and feeds the clover. So far my clover plot is doing really well after 4 years, without many weeds at all, and no spraying. The only time I am in the clover plot is to toss winter rye on it on Labor Day weekend. This method gives fawns a place to hide in early summer, and it really helps build OM in the soil. For an area that started off as an old camping site, compacted soil and old gravel, has turned into a nice little half acre clover/winter rye food plot.
Will oats and or wheat accomplish the same thing or is rye the better choice?
The reason I like rye in clover, is it will grow back in the spring, and help control weeds, and they have deep roots to pull up P&K for the clover to use. While the rye uses the N that the clover produces.

Wheat and oats are great, and in fact I will, and just did throw some into a brassica plot to fill in bare spots. I like to plant oats in the fall in food plots that I plan on planting something in in the spring, so I don't have to contend with regrowth. Wheat I just mix in with the oats, just to have some regrowth in the early spring, before I get out to plant what I want in the spring.

I usually only use ry in clover, or a plot that I don't plan on planting again until late summer, or early fall.

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Will oats and or wheat accomplish the same thing or is rye the better choice?

Rye seems to have better germination rates in my soil when surface broadcast.

Rye is much more tolerant of low pH or infertility.

Rye has an allelopathic effect on weed in addition to crowding them out.

Rye is probably a bit better at adding OM and building soil.

Rye will over winter and Oats usually will not.

I see no real preference differences between cereal grains in my area.


The deer will be all over the oats around me until about November 1st. Then it is usually dead by then.

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