I usually spread winter rye into my clover plots in the fall, it will come in small in the fall, and fill in the thin spots, then in the spring, it grows big and tall. I let the winter rye in my clover plots fall naturally during the summer. The advantage of this is the winter rye uses the built up nitrogen in the soil, which in turn reduces weeds. The winter rye has a deterrent to weeds naturally, and helps fight weeds. The winter rye pulls up other nutrients from deep down, and feeds the clover. So far my clover plot is doing really well after 4 years, without many weeds at all, and no spraying. The only time I am in the clover plot is to toss winter rye on it on Labor Day weekend. This method gives fawns a place to hide in early summer, and it really helps build OM in the soil. For an area that started off as an old camping site, compacted soil and old gravel, has turned into a nice little half acre clover/winter rye food plot.