Wild blackberry maintenance

If you're wanting to manage them for berry production, you gotta know the cycle...first year canes (primocanes) grow, then become fruit-bearing floricanes the second year...and subsequently die off -but theres a new crop of primocanes coming on.
In a cultivated planting, you'd be removing those spent floricanes each year after they fruited.
Hard, if not impossible to do that in a wild patch, so I'd recommend mowing sections or strips on an every other year rotation.
I grew up picking wild blackberries, but won't bother with them anymore...with just a few Kiowa plants, I can pick a gallon of blackberries in 10 minutes...it'd take hours to get that much even with the most productive wild berries...and here, they always seem to dry up just before time to pick, anymore.
Adding a few Ponca and Ouachita plants this spring.
This patch is for the critters. When I want berries I have a patch of red raspberries that fruit on 1st year canes. Was never told the name they originated from a patch my great grandmother had I just mow them off in spring and pick gallons of berries from August to September
Well then, for the critters, just mow halfsies on an every-other year rotation.