As of right now 5 of the forest zone counties have already sold out of private land tags. Had Juneau allotted less this year (1000 were available) this very well would have been a lottery for those tags.From what I quickly scanned on the counties, this "queue system" is mainly a public land tag lottery. Far as I can tell every county still has plenty of private land tags after the morning rush. Burnett county had 475 public land tags, and looks like they sold out right about 11:20 ish. Same county had 3800 private land tags and as of right now still over 2900 of those left. The other forest counties seem to be roughly similar. I don't have empirical data on this of course, but this seems pretty appropriate given the past few months observation I've had driving all over Burnett county at crepuscular times - the public lands (of which there is TONS in Burnett) are almost devoid of deer of any kind, and the private lands are loaded. Hope the system works at least reasonably well for the herd this year.
Tip for the future... Just like how Big Snow Man mentioned he got his tag at the hardware store with no issues, my pops had his within minutes of 1000 am at the place he went. Looks like the lottery is online only while in store is still first come first serve.