Why is parochial school so hard?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Looks like the nuns are roaming the halls slapping wrists at my school.

How do you deal with administration who punishes the wrong student?
How do you deal with administration who punishes the wrong student?
teach them how to graft an apple tree?

funny I’ve never met a mean nun. Seen plenty on TV. But never met one.
I didn't think that was allowed anymore.

Is this a metaphor?
I would need more information to really give advice (unless like Mort said - is this a metaphor).

I will say that there is a process that I've gone through in dealing with schools in my boys later years (HS):

First - I don't just back my kid because he's my kid. We all know what we did when we were younger... I accept the possibility that he did something, maybe not exactly what was seen or perceived by the school administration but he could have been at fault for some of it. My kids are honest (in one of these cases, that's what got him in trouble - he admitted to vaping).
Review what the punishment is and what the normal punishment is to see if they are in line.
Researched the laws, and I sit in front of my computer and prepared some comments (I wouldn't call it a letter but that might be a better approach), etc.
Then I sit on it overnight (the "24 hour rule" is a great one to let things sink in and everyone on all sides calm down and review their own actions).
The next day I review everything and see if I still feel the same. If I do, then I make the call to ask for a meeting. I've done this twice with school. In one instance I didn't even have to meet - just asking was enough to correct the situation/get an apology.

For the second, I went in calm and casual and had an "all business" discussion. Taking the kinder route in that one got my kid out of some of the trouble he was in (this was the vaping incident and it got him out of some extra sports punishment). I stressed that with the school dealing out the punishment, it took away my ability to punish my son. I explained that I understand the seriousness but at this point, they had an honest kid who admitted (without being caught) to his mis-dead and with a sever punishment from the school, it really limits the punishment that a parent can give out without punishing them twice for the same incident. As I said, with this approach, the teacher/coach reduced some of the punishment and I think that if I went in hot, the teacher/coach would not have been willing to extend an offer.

I deal with this a lot at work to - kill them with kindness isn't quite my approach. But I try to go in with a friendly attitude, fully honest about what happened (not just my kid's version) looking at the bigger picture and for solutions to the problem. In dealing with the schools, I've been told not many parents take that approach.

Good luck! I hope cooler heads prevail.
teach them how to graft an apple tree?

funny I’ve never met a mean nun. Seen plenty on TV. But never met one.

You missed out if you never had your knuckles rapped with a wooden pointing stick :emoji_astonished:
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I guess my concern is that bullies pick a fight and then act all passive/aggressive ... "not me".

How does one defend themselves when they are provoked just so the other aggressor can act like the victim?
Storm the capital---daily double?