Who mows clover, how did it respond for you?

looks great rocks n stumps! I will be heading down again tomorrow, left 3 acres tilled and ready for seed yesterday. Just got tired and did not want to screw up seeding.

also setting my my sd cards out to swap and view what pics show for the last 2 weeks. should be cool to see the deers' reaction on the mowed plots.
Well I got down today, no picture worthy shots, but the real high weedy plot is showing signs of more clover than I expected. That should add well to the light addition of fresh seed, come on rain. roughed up two more patches and then strapped on the seeder. spread seed on a total of 5 plots, about 6 acres in total. All 5 got purple top, eco till radish, and Bearcat red clover. Most of the plots will get a top coat of winter rye in about a month. on a volume basis I went with 2 clover, 2 turnip, to one radish. Mixed in the seeder to get it done in one shot. Good day out, saw deer, turkeys, and even a pair of fellow club members doing a work party make up.
Well I got down today, no picture worthy shots, but the real high weedy plot is showing signs of more clover than I expected. That should add well to the light addition of fresh seed, come on rain. roughed up two more patches and then strapped on the seeder. spread seed on a total of 5 plots, about 6 acres in total. All 5 got purple top, eco till radish, and Bearcat red clover. Most of the plots will get a top coat of winter rye in about a month. on a volume basis I went with 2 clover, 2 turnip, to one radish. Mixed in the seeder to get it done in one shot. Good day out, saw deer, turkeys, and even a pair of fellow club members doing a work party make up.

Looks like we had a real good turkey hatch this year in my area as well. The first hatch must have been successful. Poults are almost as big as the hens right now, and flocks seem larger than normal.


I had a question in pm regarding a weed in the pictures, tall leafy beast of a plant. Posting the id here as well so people know, and can comment. all along the edges, visisble especially in the afgter shot is Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris. such a vile and nasty plant its name even suggests it is vulgar. almost worth of a thread on what it is, and how to deal with it.



Clipped mine about a week ago. We never got the rain that was supposed to come but it responded pretty well. A lot of rain next week so it should really take off. This clover is part of my 9 acre destination field. The clover is about 3/4 of an acre with a total of 2.25 acres of plots and the balance in switchgrass. I put 70 lbs of gypsum on it just after mowing.
wow, looks great!
just got back from pullimg camera cards, the mowed clover did not bother the deer, got just as many, if not more clear shots on the "leprechaun's front yard" clover plot. it filled in even better, and is now back to about 10 inches tall, blooming its fool head off.
I think I’m guilty of overthinking it sometimes. I enjoy seeing mostly weedfree plots. My two clover trails were beautiful this spring and early summer and looking good again this fall. I mowed an sprayed both. A couple of my 1/4 acre plots got overtaken by weeds before I put in my cereal grain mix a couple weeks ago. I think I care more than the deer. These pictures are of two undeveloped lots in my new subdivision. There will be houses here soon but for now they’re just wild clover and grass. They get mowed every two weeks more or less. They’re clover and crab grass and anything else that grows in there. It’s about an acre total and it’s full of deer every night.
next time down maybe I'll mow circular paths around my stand, 20 yds, 30 yds, 40 yds, and 50.
I visited my 2nd year clover plot, been testing no mow. Seems good to me? I think the deer are mowing it for me.

This plot is where I arrowed my first deer last year and it clearly hooked me on food plots. I have 3 of em now.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="
" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I see many food plots, and also "kill plots" big differences between the two, and their care, and intended use, are a lot different as well. I look at my pots as anchors for the deer to stay, or at least have reason to, on my chunk of land, and while they are there to grow healthier, and possibly bigger than just eating what they can find... to me, small kill plots are only there to attract the deer in for a kill.
And just to give an update I did have to do a bunch of manual weed pulls on the plot (mostly tall grasses),.. so the No Mow was not as successful as I had hoped as it showed earlier in the year,.. :(
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Here is the latest video of my first every food plot Clover1 started last year. I did not mow the clover this year as a test,. but did last year as it needed to branch and spread out. As I pan over the clover you can see the clumps of weeds, grasses etc,.. still I am happy with it.

The clover is WTI landino, there is some WTI secret spot, forage rape and also a brassica mix put down. I also over seeded with WR and WW but have not seen it popping up, maybe just too crowded? Dunno. I have adopted the strategy to have the widest variety of food sources available to the deer as possible. It might not be as pretty as a field of just clover, but I hope it keeps em coming into the winter.

<iframe width="1280" height="1024" src="
" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Next year I plan on planting a shield wall of grasses 8 feet tall, cutting off this food plot from the much larger farmer vegetable field it is next too. Hopefully this will give the deer a little more privacy while browsing! LOL

Thank you,.. to the plotters on this forum that suggested that privacy wall to me in another thread regarding my hay field food plot!
looks amazing Bud!
looks amazing Bud!

Thanks Mike. Gotta swing by some Thurs/Fri. Here is the house plot, which was a June seeding8477D1C9-BACD-4429-B47F-12CCE383DB89.jpeg
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I know that spot, and what it looked like not too long ago, I do ned to swing by, and do need to get you over to my spot for a walk around.
I can mow it in my yard and it goes crazy. I do it around the pond and its ho hum.