Whitetail Hollow - 80 acres NE Oklahoma

He's a toad in the body too...

Got a couple new ones on camera yesterday...

First one is a nice clean 8 pointer...034.JPG
And his buddy...059.JPG
Yea, I figured the 8 is about 2.5/3 and the other one is in the 5+ range...

So far I have 3 bucks on my list... the big clean 10, the gnarly old 13 pointer, and the "buddy" buck... It was kind of like inheritance seeing as my kin folk owned it... Most hardcore deer hunters might would have passed on the property as it is solid woods with a county road splitting part of it and does have 1 neighbor house that butts close up to it deep into the woods on the west side... Still haven't hung any stands but plan to soon. Been gathering data from trail cams and plotwatchers... going to try to hunt it so lightly that it seems unhunted. I have to get a cabin up on the "across the road" side so I have somewhere to hang out in my off time...
Friday Ocober 31st I was finally able to take the first deer ever with the first shot we have ever fired on our property. It was Muzzleloader season and I had only gotten to hunt the edges of the property until we finally got the wind I needed to slip into a stand I had hung back in the Sanctuary. I snuck in without even a light well before daylight dragging a tinks 69 drag rag behind me. I hung the drag off a pine bough about 20 yards to my front left sitting in the stand. As I was attaching my Muzzleloader to my pull rope a deer snorted in the dark less than 20 yards away and bounded away. I went ahead and climbed into my stand to await daylight. The wind was very brisk so the woods were very noisy. I was messing around with my Cell phone about 7:40 AM when I heard something and looked to my left and had a Big 9 point I had never seen at 10 yards and headed straight to my scent drag. He got behind a big pine before I could compose myself and I was awaiting him to step out from behind the tree when he snorted and ran like I had shot at him snorting with every step. I was in utter disbelief and was about as low a feeling as I could imagine. I was feeling sorry for myself when I noticed something moving across behind me from the same direction the other buck had come from. It was a buck I had many pictures of over the summer and fall. I simply called him Big 9 and he met the maturity requirement in spades. He stopped behind a large tree but his entire neck and head were visible so I shot him in the neck dropping him instantly. He dressed out at 150 lbs which is very large in NE Oklahoma...103114 BBD.jpg 103114 Posed.jpg
Hanging and Mass...103114 hanging.jpg 103114 back of rack.jpg
What a deer! That deep dark color on the rack is awesome!
Congrats! Looks like it's the first of many for you
Congrats. You deserve it with all the work you did to the property.
Nice story / great buck! Congrats.
Good looking buck. Congrats!!
Great Job Okie! Love the Dark Horns also! Are you going to have him aged?

I would like to. A bit of panic when I got home today to get my wife to go vote. I had put the skinned out head on our deck which is about 7 feet high and when I got home the skull and rack were gone! I knew someone's dog had to have gotten it so I went to my neighbors looking for it and he hadn't seen it but had let his dogs loose that day. I drove back home and noticed something to the left of our gate and it was the skull that had been chewed up terribly. I was going to do a European mount but they chewed the nose off nearly to the eyes... Bottom jaws are in rough shape as well...
I would like to. A bit of panic when I got home today to get my wife to go vote. I had put the skinned out head on our deck which is about 7 feet high and when I got home the skull and rack were gone! I knew someone's dog had to have gotten it so I went to my neighbors looking for it and he hadn't seen it but had let his dogs loose that day. I drove back home and noticed something to the left of our gate and it was the skull that had been chewed up terribly. I was going to do a European mount but they chewed the nose off nearly to the eyes... Bottom jaws are in rough shape as well...

That sucks!
Yes, that does suck... The only reason the deer head never made it off our land is the dogs couldn't get the rack through the barbed wire fence...
Lucky Tree.JPG Going to have a good wind again Saturday so back into this tree I will go for as long as I can take it...
Last 3 days have been amazing hunts on our little spot on the map... I saw 20 does and 4 bucks chasing on Tuesday morning. I put my wife in the exact same stand yesterday morning and she took the buck I called "Big 13" and I hunted the same stand again this morning and took the #1 buck on my hit list chasing a doe at 9:20 AM and was home in time for Thanksgiving dinner at noon. I had to try it this morning because it was the last good wind/weather day I had this week. Been a great year for us!Christine Big 13.jpg Johnny Thanksgiving buck on site.jpg
Congrats to you both! 2 great bucks