Whitetail Hollow - 80 acres NE Oklahoma

I personally saw 4 of them throughout the winter from December on since I was checking the land out before we purchased from my aunt. I spoke with the guys who hunt on the north and east side about the deer and they said the deer they spook always flee into our property. Our property has most of the oaks in the area and we now have the only food plot in the area and only water in about a mile...
I personally saw 4 of them throughout the winter from December on since I was checking the land out before we purchased from my aunt. I spoke with the guys who hunt on the north and east side about the deer and they said the deer they spook always flee into our property. Our property has most of the oaks in the area and we now have the only food plot in the area and only water in about a mile...
Sounds like you're sitting pretty good, good luck with thise big boys!
July 9 pond.JPG July 9 plot.JPG Camera survey showed 9 different bucks with only 2 being under 2.5 so far... desperately need moisture up that way. Could not find any white oak acorns showing on any of the trees...
Rain sideways.JPG Hallelujah it rained!!!
We got just over 1.5" of rain yesterday so that should help perk things up a bit. Triple digit heat forecast through Sunday and then we have a 30% shot of rain for monday and a big cool down to the low 80's. Going back up to our place tomorrow AM to remedy some sprouts growing in our dozer roads, change some batteries in the trail cams, and see if I can find any acorns whatsoever in the bottoms...
I went up saturday morning and sprayed the dozer road along the front (south border road along the county road) with remedy for the sprouts. Plot looks great again and hopefully we can get some more rain this week. Supposed to have near record lows with several days with chances of moisture. I still have not found any white oaks bearing acorns but the red oaks that we have are loaded. Not near as many red oaks on the property after Oak wilt has taken its toll but we do have a few scattered here and there...
Christine and Sunflower large.JPG My better half standing next to a sunflower in the plot yesterday afternoon...
I personally saw 4 of them throughout the winter from December on since I was checking the land out before we purchased from my aunt. I spoke with the guys who hunt on the north and east side about the deer and they said the deer they spook always flee into our property. Our property has most of the oaks in the area and we now have the only food plot in the area and only water in about a mile...
sounds good for your hunting set up!
We certainly hope so. Almost every time I sat turkey hunting up there I saw these bucks feeding through the woods!
Stepped out on the deck to go up to our property to walk the fence row out to check for limbs or trees down on it and saw 7 deer on our home plots this morning off our front deck... took a few pics before I left. We had a yard sale at my daughters Saturday so my truck is still loaded with stuff we didn't get sold...

This one is eating hedge apple leaves...

2 more in the middle plot I sprayed this entire plot with gly last Sunday and it is mostly dead except a little clover...

And the other 3 in a small clover plot. Small buck and 2 does...

Drove on up to the property and took a couple pics of the plot there...

Noticed the white oaks are really starting to put on. Pretty excited about that...

Haven't updated in a bit... 005.JPG
Not really... My Aunt owned it since the 70's and I would go up once a year or so and walk it out in December/January to make sure there weren't any stands and to make sure nobody was dumping or cutting wood on it... I always had a feeling about it but have always had other areas to hunt so I never got around to it... We will be hunting it this year for the first time...
Yessir, I save all vacation for the fall and I think I have a high percentage shot at getting one near the beginning of Archery while they are still on summer pattern... Going to incorporate some Brassicas and Winter Rye grain and Oats into that plot in the next couple weeks then I will start preparing stand trees...
Ahhh-you better hunt that buck, he is a slob.
There are a few slobs running around there...

So your one of those guys!........I would also if I worked out! My buddy is a Sheriffs Deputy, and he saves up 3 weeks in a row. His boss always wonders why it is the last week of Oct and the first 2 weeks of November! :D

Hope you keep posting during the season, I love these threads that guys keep going on! Good Luck!

I have 6 weeks of Vacation saved up...