Wheat for Doves


5 year old buck +
A buddy had wheat on one of his farms. He had the tenant farmer leave an acre of standing wheat with the intention of hunting doves on it. We figured we'd mow it off, maybe burn the straw. Has anyone successfully done something similar? Curious about the timing of the manipulation with a Sept 1 opener?
We may have some success with wheat. We cut it for hay before we burn though as that's a standard farming practice.
If we just mow/burn you think that will work? When?

It's legal to manipulate crops for doves, just not waterfowl.
Yeppers, I think that will work.

I thought you had to follow the same rules for all migratory birds.

The boys burned 10 days ago. Usually burn 2wks before season but conditions were right, plus the kids had time. The field has been covered with doves since. Locals as we haven't had a migration yet.

It's rained several times since the burn. Seed that got hot enough will stay seed. Lots will germinate and turn the plot green. We'll spray and burn again if we loose birds.

Doves are kind of traditional. This field has been used for decades even when not in great shape. I've seen awesome fields barely bring one in. Be patient if they don't show up right away.
