That floats my boat right there.
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I agree. I'm not a big vegetable guy, but I tried it for the first time this summer and was surprised how good it was. I remember something that it has way more vitamins and minerals than just about anything you can buy from the store.I've got plenty in my garden, that's where tonight's snack came from ;). It's surprisingly good.
So this year was more of an experiment for me on how to cook the turkey's going forward since my wife does not like smoked birds anymore. Both were Butterball's purchased at the same time and allowed to thaw the same way with the larger bird getting two extra days.
The first bird was 17# and all I did was clean it, rub it down with avocado oil and added fresh ground pink Himalayan salt & pepper. Cooked @ 325 in a deep roaster uncovered. I covered the breast with light foil when it reached the color I was looking for. Allowed to rest for 45 minutes covered prior to carving. It had crispy skin, great flavor and was very juicy. Probably the best I have ever made in the oven.
The second bird was 21# and I did everything the same as the first bird but also injected it and cooked it in a shallow roaster. It had crispy skin all over (too much in some areas), had very good flavor but was not as juicy as the first.
That said, the simple route was the better of the two birds and will be how I do them going forward.
Hungry and that looks good.