What's for dinner?

Field to fork grilled pheasant.
Lady opted for chicken.
Went cajun, heavy black pepper and Tony's cajun seasoning.
Not to often I have the opportunity to grill with the lights up, ha.

Duck quesadilla (mallard/golden eye)


And last crab of the season

Duck quesadilla (mallard/golden eye)


And last crab of the season

I’m down with the crab. And even the mallard. But isn’t a goldeneye a diver :emoji_dizzy_face:

divers need the tire recipe. Or a better cook than me....
I’m down with the crab. And even the mallard. But isn’t a goldeneye a diver :emoji_dizzy_face:

divers need the tire recipe. Or a better cook than me....

Yep diver...they are almost a sea duck. I put goldeneye right up there with buffleheads as eaters...they have to be mixed in with good ducks. I take what I can get here close to home.
Redheads/ringnecks/cans are all good cooked at our house..especially if they have been in the wild rice. I even run them over the plucker and roast them if they are fatties.
Straight backstaps.

No vegetables, no carbs, no nothing.

Just backstraps cooked in a hot cast iron pan, in butter and seasoning..

I’m full.


My son sent me this. With the heading “I took him back to where we first met”

Nice roast. What's the internal temp?
Nice roast. What's the internal temp?
Did it in the oven @ 500 for :30 minutes, then shut the oven off until I hit 117 and let it rest 20 minutes. Had planned to do the rib bones tonight but had baked spaghetti when I cam down from the office.
Went bunny hunting with the boys yesterday afternoon, so tonight cooked up some chicken fried rabbit and sweet cornbread with our own honey mixed into batter. The cornbread stole the show.


No pics, but tried stuffed venison tenderloin tonight. Wife modified an artichoke dip recipe and I had sliced a backstrap into the thinnest, largest piece I could. Rolled the dip into it and tied with string. Dang, that was really good! She liked it so much we are going to make another tomorrow and make a few modifications. Had acorn squash and garden asparagus on the side. Wife wouldn't let me take a pic, since she's a foodie and it didn't look nice enough, LoL.
Put this together for an afternoon snack Saturday. 1# of wild hog sausage, filled with cream cheese, chopped onions and sliced jalapenos then wrapped in goodness.
