What to do with south-facing terraced, brushy side-bank?

I was legitimately asking as I have the ideal sf slope that will likely receive some shelterbelt logging this yr and I was wondering what if I focussed on making the ideal bedding… but stumbled as to what that actually was
Still waiting for a few more replies myself before I go digging into where I can obtain said species.
As I am looking into the honeysuckle removal more, I have found out that it has allelopathic effects on the vegetation around it (not to mention thick multi-trunked shrubs blocking all the sunlight). Anyone know how long these effects would last? I was hoping to cut most of it now, then go back and hit the stumps/shoots with gly when it started growing in the spring and was hoping to plant some spruces soon after in the trimmed cuttings (to use them as a kind of informal cage)...guess I can't do that if my cage is going to secrete chemicals that will inhibit the growth or kill it!
Worked some more on this project with the best tool imaginable..an electric chainsaw...perfect size for most of the honeysuckle branches and trunks. I got another big swath knocked down and in the middle of it found this big rub on a lone pine tree....it was so thick in that general area I don't even know how the buck got in there and it was only 25 yards above my neighbor's barn! Slowly making decent progress on this big project. Will probably start treating the shoots/stumps soon.
Was talking to a buddy yesterday at church and he suggested possibly getting all the honeysuckle on the ground this year then doing a burn of the hill (with some REALLY good firebreaks), probably next spring. That would definitely get rid of all the leaf litter. Could be an interesting spring next year and I really like the idea. That would definitely jump start the process.
Still working on this project, but got to a very rewarding portion yesterday, the slope above my house. It made quite a mess which still needs cleaned up, but I'm hoping that warm spring sun (which will be arriving sometime in the next month) will hit that dirt and do some wonders.