What should I expect?


5 year old buck +
I have three fields that I have not planted before and are starting to become overgrown with weeds and very small trees. I want to convert them to clover this fall. I sprayed two weeks ago with gly. I went back yesterday and the grasses were very brown. The raspberries and thicker vegetation was not. I also have a lot of wild blueberries in one field. I sprayed again yesterday. Should I expect the raspberries and blueberries (and maybe a few thistles) to be dead after the second spraying? I'm hoping to go back and check in a couple weeks to see how things are going. I plan to plant winter rye and clover the first week of August (I'm way north. Lol) I'm new to food plots so I'm not sure what to expect. I would mow when seeding to knock down the thatch.
I have three fields that I have not planted before and are starting to become overgrown with weeds and very small trees. I want to convert them to clover this fall. I sprayed two weeks ago with gly. I went back yesterday and the grasses were very brown. The raspberries and thicker vegetation was not. I also have a lot of wild blueberries in one field. I sprayed again yesterday. Should I expect the raspberries and blueberries (and maybe a few thistles) to be dead after the second spraying? I'm hoping to go back and check in a couple weeks to see how things are going. I plan to plant winter rye and clover the first week of August (I'm way north. Lol) I'm new to food plots so I'm not sure what to expect. I would mow when seeding to knock down the thatch.
Yes they are smoked. It just takes a minute to show up. I sprayed a bunch of multiflora, blackberries, buck brush, etc back in may and it took till mid June to really see it die. Was getting kinda nervous but it did the trick.
Might have helped to spray with gly and 24d. Should have time before planting for 24d residual to be gone.
For blackberry and various brushy species, you will get a better kill with something like Remedy Ultra or Crossbow. I can tell you from experience that gly won't kill the roots of blackberry, and I suspect that might also be the case with raspberry. If you keep hitting it, you may top kill it for the season, but it will come back next year. I've never had blueberry in fields, so I'm not sure about how gly would do on them.
Watch the residuals. 2-4d is pretty straight forward. Watch any others like remedy. I mixed 2-4d and remedy a few years ago and after waiting 8 weeks I planted a fall mix of brassicas, clover and rye. The rye ended up okay. Everything else was smoked.

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