What is the weed with the gold seeds?

Brush Creek

5 year old buck +
rsz_weed2015[1].jpg We just started seeing this weed this year and are wondering what it is.
I agree, yellow nutsedge. Wage all out war on it NOW! Dig one up and check the roots for small tubers, this should verify. By the way, it will reproduce from the seeds, the tubers, and any rhizomes(root pieces) left in the ground. Nasty stuff if left unchecked.
Mo could fill you in better on a herbicide to spray it with, but I can tell you from firsthand experience that it will laugh at gly(and many other herbicides) and just get pi$$ed-off. When my buddies plot started getting infested, we used a product called SedgeHammer and it took it out completely in 2 sprayings and he hasn't had it return that I know of. The first spray did it in, and the second was just for good measure and to get the few plants that must have gotten missed in the initial spray application.
Good luck. The only way I get rid of it is by pulling it.
I agree with it being nut sedge- it will take a sedge specific herbicide to get rid of it. I see it in the wetter areas on my place.
Tubers are the key to nutsedge. Gly will top kill it but the tuber sends up new shoots. Gly will work if you keep top killing it until the tubers run out of energy. Dicamba is supposed to get to the tubers.