What is a "Scion"? Sorry for the dumb ?


What is a scion? I see it talked about all the time when discussing grafting and fruit trees. I am guessing it is the trimmed/pruned branches from one tree that is prepared/intended to be grafted to another. Am I even remotely correct? Is there a standard size for these, or do they have to be of a certain age?
That's right.

Generally, the best size is 'pencil' thickness. Always use this year's growth for grafting.
The key is to have the cambium of the rootstock to align with the cambium of the scion on at least one side. I say that because sometimes the rootstock is bigger than the scion piece in diameter and vice versa. Most grafts fail because of lack of cambium to cambium contact. Good question as there are no dumb questions here in the forum. It has truly been an amazing learning g experience for me and continues to be every time I come here. Give it a try you will enjoy grafting
