What bullets do you use?

I shot a 7x7 340" Bull Elk at 470 yards with a 30-06 165gr Partition. One Shot kill. Bullet went thru and broke the far front leg.
I shot a 7x7 340" Bull Elk at 470 yards with a 30-06 165gr Partition. One Shot kill. Bullet went thru and broke the far front leg.
i think you just wnted to rub it in that you've shot a 340" bull. That's all I picked up on anyways... :D
Nosler Partitions, 150 gr. Put the clinkers to every deer I've shot with them.
I reload all my own ammo. I've had great success with Accubonds and Ballistic Tips from 243 up to 338wm.

My favorites are 110 Accubonds in my 25-06, 130 B-Tip in my 270 and 130 Accubonds from my 6.5-06.
I like the Hornady GMX bullets run light for caliber bullets and push them fast for reliable expansion. I’ve used the Barnes version but their copper seems softer and I’ve have more copper fouling with them.
200 Grain Nosler Partition in 30:06...


225 yards - 1 shot kill...


Big Old Bull - Should have looked for a younger (more tender) one...


Bullet entered and smashed through a rib - Bison ribs are about the size of a 2X2 board - only harder...


Bullet passed between ribs on the far side and came to rest up against the hide - they have a really tough hide...



I stand a little over 6 feet tall to give you an idea of what a front quarter looks like. Guide estimated the weight between 1,800 - 2,000# but we didn't weight it officially.


Recovered bullet and a new bullet...

IMG_3590 (1).jpg

Bullet retained 60% of its original weight. I couldn't ask for any better performance.


A moose wouldn't stand a chance.

Good luck on your hunt.
200 Grain Nosler Partition in 30:06...

View attachment 34396

225 yards - 1 shot kill...

View attachment 34397

Big Old Bull - Should have looked for a younger (more tender) one...

View attachment 34398

Bullet entered and smashed through a rib - Bison ribs are about the size of a 2X2 board - only harder...

View attachment 34399

Bullet passed between ribs on the far side and came to rest up against the hide - they have a really tough hide...

View attachment 34400

View attachment 34401

I stand a little over 6 feet tall to give you an idea of what a front quarter looks like. Guide estimated the weight between 1,800 - 2,000# but we didn't weight it officially.

View attachment 34402

Recovered bullet and a new bullet...

View attachment 34403

Bullet retained 60% of its original weight. I couldn't ask for any better performance.

View attachment 34404

A moose wouldn't stand a chance.

Good luck on your hunt.
Very cool hunt
Northern Michigan whitetails I use Dad's old Marlin 336 in .35 Rem. It likes 200 grain Remington core lokt sp and especially likes my rifleman friends handloads of the same for it.
USPS just showed up today and my Hornady Interlocks showed up for my 350 legend. Light hitting gun, but it's a mean load for accuracy on my hand loads.

Also located some 444 ammo in the last week online. Some hornady ftx and some remington core lokt. Both will get the job done for my Ohio deer.

Tenatively planning an alabama hog hunt this late summer/fall, would you use the 444 or the 350? I also have a 7 mag and a 50 caliber muzzle gun I could use, but I don't think that's the answer.
USPS just showed up today and my Hornady Interlocks showed up for my 350 legend. Light hitting gun, but it's a mean load for accuracy on my hand loads.

Also located some 444 ammo in the last week online. Some hornady ftx and some remington core lokt. Both will get the job done for my Ohio deer.

Tenatively planning an alabama hog hunt this late summer/fall, would you use the 444 or the 350? I also have a 7 mag and a 50 caliber muzzle gun I could use, but I don't think that's the answer.

I'd use the 444 for hogs.
I use 160 grain nosler partitions in my 7mm for antelope, hogs, deer, elk and moose. I've been very impressed with the performance of that combo.
I use 160 grain nosler partitions in my 7mm for antelope, hogs, deer, elk and moose. I've been very impressed with the performance of that combo.
plan is for 150s in the partition for mulie and antelope in the fall of 22
I've shot a few red deer with Partitions in my .308, and they performed great. I might go back to them if I can find them.
I've been using ELD-X in my. 308 this year, and they have been deadly on deer. However, at steep angles the jackets come off, which I don't think is acceptable for moose. These bullets shoot extremely accurately in my rifle, which is why I use them. Even managed a frontal head shot on a hind this year.

I used to use Partitions, but these also don't seem right for moose. And the Accubond just shoot poorly in my rifle.

What do you guys use, and what do you like/dislike about them?
I've been using Barnes VOR-TX in my .308, and they have such a good record I consider them my lucky bullets. Glad I stocked up back then. I think at this point it is established that copper is the way to go whenever you can get it.
The Barnes TTSX is my go-to round for yotes out of a 243 Savage Axis with acutrigger topped with Vortex Viper. The range is just crazy with bullets sizzling at over 3000fps, very flat shooting. Youngest son stoned three pronghorns with it last fall.
This combo is almost surgical.



For my groundhog shooting I use the TTSX in 222 53grn or Hornady superformance varmint 50grn with a little over 100 yards being about max range out of my old rifle with my eyes.

For my deer hunting here can only use straight walled cartridges so I use Remington 300grn jacketed HP out of my 45/70 and it is flat out deadly, always one shot kills.
Have tried heavier bullets out of it but the recoil really goes up fast with bullet weight and I don’t need the heavier for whitetails.
Some day I might take it on a bison hunt and would jump to 500grn for that.
For my deer hunting here can only use straight walled cartridges so I use Remington 300grn jacketed HP out of my 45/70 and it is flat out deadly, always one shot kills.

I use Leverevolution in the 45-70 on deer in Ohio. One shot kills, and they don't go far.
I use Leverevolution in the 45-70 on deer in Ohio. One shot kills, and they don't go far.

Yep, I’ve got a box of that and have target shot a little with it.

I bought a special edition Winchester model 1886 Deluxe about fifteen years or more ago. The wife gave me a ton of grief about spending so much on a rifle I couldn’t use around here for anything.
I’ve always been a lever action fan, to many westerns as a kid I guess. The 1886 is the pinnacle of lever guns about the best design ever, was one of Teddy Roosevelt’s favorites designed by John Browning.
Also the 45/70 is such a historical round too, from dropping buffaloes to fighting Indians and being the militaries go-to round for years.

Right out of the box mine was dead nuts with open sights. Well a few years after I bought it Ohio makes it legal to hunt with.
Bought a box of the Remington 300grn semi jacketed HP when I bought the rifle. Shot maybe five rounds at target, have killed six bucks a couple does and a yote and son shot a couple bucks with that box of shells…still have four rounds left!

Have goofed around with a few other loads over the years the rifle really likes the Remington 300grn and the recoil is about like a 20ga shotgun…opposite end of that extreme is the Buffalo Bore 500grn magnum, those almost make me flinch after a few rounds they are no joke!

Nice rifle. My dad bought a Marlin back when they became legal, and I started using it when I was in town. The Hornady shoots best in his rifle, but a few other guys are quite fond of the Remington and the Fusion ammo. I've never seen a deer hit by a 45-70 go more than 50 yards. I'd like to try it on bears and pigs. It's a real wrecking ball.
I just bought my son a rifle for college graduation. I picked up a Howa 7 MM Rem Mag. I hoping to try Nosler Partition in 160 gr for that and then work up a Nosler Partition 130 Gr for my 270. We are going elk hunting this fall in Montana. I normally use 130 gr speer sp bt for whitetail and he uses a win 243 with Sierra 85 gr hp bt. Found a lot of good information on this web site especially as we are planning the trip this fall. https://www.ballisticstudies.com/