
Last year we were so dry the world was on fire. This year water comes up where you step. What a difference 12 months makes.
Well temps have finally broke the 20's, but only to come with a forcast of 12-18 inches of wet heavy snow for me this weekend. My hunting land will fair the snow a little better, with only 6 inches. At home we already have a good couple feet on the ground, and with another foot to a foot and a half coming, I really have no more room for snow around my yard, driveway. The ends of my driveway have 6 foot snow banks on each side.

The good news is it is suppose to react above freezing a couple days in the 10 day forecast.
Y'all northern fellas falling down on your job keeping the cold up your way. After a February filled with lows in the 50s and highs in the upper 70s and even low 80s, we got hit with a frost early Wed a.m. We were well into greening-up with fair number of trees already leafing out and some ornamentals blooming.

Now have spraying trees with permethrin on the weekend to-do-list. Don't do it have a feeling I'm all but guaranteed to be sawing number of trees to the ground due to ambrosia beetle attacks.
Weather forecast for Louisiana. March 8 Continued Rain. Same as it was Feb 8. Next forecast April 8
Should have added that last cold front coming in made for some nasty, albeit brief, storms as well. Wife's phone alarmed as the weather turned nasty and she silenced / ignored it before even checking to see what it said. Cut the TV on and weatherman's advising those in our area to seek shelter immediately... had a tornado running less than 5 miles north of us while at the very same time one was running 15 miles or so south of us. Blessedly dodged the bullets and fared much better than some folks in Alabama and Georgia.
The cold and snow will keep the tornadoes away for a little while here, but when it all melts we are almost certainly going to flood.


This picture was from a week ago, and we have gotten a 6 inch snow fall since. I now know how the folks in the UP feel every winter.
The winter weather advisory for my area warns that tonight's snow will be of the very wet and heavy variety and structures with snow on them from past storms will be at risk of collapsing. Heaviest snow is forecasted to go north of us and we will probably get rain first and then snow. Hope y'all have cleaned your roofs, I haven't.
Temperature warmed during the night. Its 60 right now. Too bad I am too sick to enjoy it.
Made it up to my place this week to clear some snow from the roof. 920253F7-709A-4BFF-B612-7C42E9D6A8C3.jpeg
Anybody in Wisconsin or Minnesota watch your barn roofs and porch roofs. All that snow and the rain coming could make for a collapsed structure. In the past week I have had one customer lose a garage and another loose a greenhouse range from the snow. The snow is acting like a sponge and soaking up all the rain. We have a lot of rain coming so be proactive.
I hope all our members in the Great Plains are okay I'm seeing some pretty nasty videos from Nebraska of bridges and houses being washed away in flooding.

We had beautiful weather, with ducks and swans migrating through the valley, so I decided to start fixing the yard. Wouldn't you know it, we got a ton of unexpected rain right before the ton of expected rain. Everything turned squishy, and the work is incredibly difficult. But it made a nice rainbow.



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Nice pics, Telemark. Do you live over there seasonally, off and on, or full time minus vacations?
I’m usually really envious of the trail camera photos and big buck harvests you guys have up there in the tundra.

D470A2D9-590F-4868-A4BF-1F52BE8F6448.pngBut then most of the time I’m so happy to be in Virgina. We get some snow but nothing like y’all.

Hope a warm and beautiful spring comes to you guys soon.

I sure love it when we get 20+ inches of snow and 50+ MPH winds the second week of April. Ideally I would be planting corn between April 20-30 and soybeans the first week of May. Getting really sick of this wet sloppy shit every spring.
All I can muster up now is a "Yep" I still have snow in my front yard and my north sloping ground is still snow covered in spots, ground is froze. I cant get off the driveway and the field roads are slop.
7" of rain since yesterday afternoon. Tornado warnings last night and tonight . 100% chance rain all day tomorrow.---------But no snow. Temps in 70's
I just shoveled a 4 foot snow bank away from the front of my garage on Saturday to get my inlaws camper out of storage, my driveway was slop, with standing water on each side of it.
The forecast of 20+ inches of snow on Wednesday and Thursday can kiss my ass!

At home I live in a river valley, and the town I live in has been a peninsula for the last 3 weeks because all the local roads are under water. The water was just starting to drop, with hopes of possibly a couple roads opening back up around us, until this forecast. Although the 20+ inches of snow wouldnt be as bad if it all fell as water.
You guys hear about the flooding in Nebraska? I find it strange about the lack new outlets reporting on it.
What happened in Nebraska was horrific. Can't imagine. Flyover country doesn't matter much to the news. If it had happened on a coast it would've been reported 24/7.