Warm winter


5 year old buck +
I'm sure liking how the weather had been so far this winter. No snow here yet and temps getting up into the 40's on a consistent basis is good news for the deer heading into the winter months. I hope it continues as our herd needs the break especially in northern Wisconsin. I do like ice fishing but I like deer even more.
Same here, I will gladly have a short ice fishing season for a mild winter. Of coarse last year there was to much ice and snow to fish
X3 I'll take a shorter ice fishing season in exchange for a mild winter for the deer.
This year was a bumper crop for acorns. Old wives tales has it that this is an indicator of a long hard winter. I hope its wrong.
It's supposed to be a very strong El Nino this winter, we are getting rain this week instead of snow.
it's not like this isn't the start of the "curse" thread. ehhhhh Don't talk about it!!! ;)
it's not like this isn't the start of the "curse" thread. ehhhhh Don't talk about it!!! ;)
I have insurance against it. I sold my snow plow business after last winter. That guaranteed this would be a mild winter. If I still had the business I would have banked 40k with 0 expense so far. The guys who bought me out think they hit the lotto. I don't have the heart to tell them there is a long way to go and the next 9 winters will be brutal. Basically I sold my business so the deer could have a mild winter. Drastic times called for drastic measures.