Video setting on cam - anyone use it?

I use Photobucket for both pics and videos.
Well crap. Sounds like you guys are just stuck with getting the screen shots/pics then, I'll keep the video to myself. My internet connection sucks as it is and sending large files back and forth can be a touchy thing. Pics are easy as I just use a "snipping tool" and then paste the image into "paint" and then save as a JPEG which grossly compresses the size.

I really like the video setting - upset at myself about the setting selector switch on my one cam as I was really hopeful to get a video of a decent buck I had been seeing. The one that I did set right was set too high - all I got on video was ears and a few nose tips from them scent checking the wind.

I'll look into other ways to post videos - they are just so much cooler!
Upload them to YouTube and embed them in your posts here
Well I switched my cams to video a couple of weeks ago and just couldn't wait anymore to see the results.

How do I post a .avi format video?????

I think if you download it to PhotoBucket and them from PB put a link to it here.
Its been awhile since I uploaded a vid to photobucket, it degraded the vid and it looked bad. Youtube is much better for vids unless PB vid quality has changed?
Photobucket is what i use
Well like I said the one I got video on was too high. On does all I got was the tips of ears and the occasional nose from them scent checking the wind. Here is a still of the one buck I did get. Nice young 10 pointer - tough to see in the pic, but the video makes it SO much easier to see the various traits of the antlers. I have re-positioned the cam so hopefully my next pull will provide some better footage. I'll look into different ways to post videos - they are just so neat to watch even if they are for only 10 or 15 seconds.