Updated pics- from overgrown vegetation to solid plots!

Be sure to send follow up pics

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It was a good spray after all. The place was pretty well smoked with a just a few stragglers hanging on. We were able to drop 3000# of lime and all of our seed yesterday just before the rain! I was in a hurry and forgot to take pics but I'll get some soon.

Plots 1 and 2 we put down BW and Black Oil Sunflower
Plot 3, against my better judgement but at the request of one of the other members, we sowed red and white clover and chicory into the dead stand of (mostly) grass. I've always done fall plantings for Clover and Chicory so this will be an interesting experiment.
so far so good and as far as the rain goes it's been a farmers wet dream. we sowed the seed on the 21st and it has rained every other day since with temps averaging above 60

Sprayed vs unsprayed! a few stragglers look like they made it but I might do another spray in august before the crops go down to get them all

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Very nice! I've only used BW once, but I did like what it did. Just wish it wasn't so tough to get around here and I'm generally too cheap to pay shipping. I do have a few spots I'd like to try it in the future.
here you won't kill pigweed once it gets much growth on it with gly and mares tail is worse.Theres a new one out I believe it's interlock and is the liberty link bean spray.It is killing about everything
there has definitely been some stubborn milkweed and pigweed but I think the BW is going to help suppress it. I'll probably do a light spraying when the BW browns up and just before I but down the fall seed. The BW is super expensive but its getting the job done!
so after the initial scare of a bad gly application, my summer plots of BW and sunflowers did amazing considering this is the first time these areas had been cultivated in 20 + years. We removed 30 trees and mowed down 8ft tall briars and weeds just to get started.

we sowed and mowed our winter plots the second weekend of august and timed it perfect with 3 days of light rain to follow. We've had good bucks and lots of bears. the intent is for these plots to be staging areas between their bedding area and the corn fields about 800 yds away

R&W Clover


Hybrid Brassicas

R&W clover
one side of the field Buck forage oats and the other half Rye
Hybrid Brassicas


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