University of idaho Wild Apples


5 year old buck +

Has anyone ever planted any wild apples from them? I remember reading a thread about them on some forum years ago but cant seem to find it now. Obviously its a crap shoot on what kind of apples the trees will produce. But for the price I figured its worth a shot. I ordered 5 of them for now but may try and see if I can add 5 more to my order. Thought about growing them in 3 gallon air pruning pots for a year,then planting them. But will decide when the time comes.
A few years ago, a guy on the other deer forum from Indiana did an experiment with seedling crabapples from a state nursery. He planted 100 and ended up with 5 that he felt were worthwhile growing. He commented on how many of them were disease prone - especially for fireblight. I can understand how someone might like to try something like this. A few years ago, I might have enjoyed it myself. However, for me now, I would rather plant 5 known varieties from a reputable nursery and take good care of them rather than plant 100 and possibly end up with nothing. However, it might be right down your alley. If you do it, be sure to let us know down the road how it turns out.
Native, I totally understand where you are coming from and I do agree. I planted 12 grafted crabs/apples last year from Whitetail crabs and a local nursery. Have 8 coming from bluehill next spring. All of them are scattered around my food plots and are in prime spots.

I guess my thought with the wild apples was to plant them in a different spot that I had in mind away from the other trees. This area is not hunted as much and is pretty close to bedding. I am hoping I may get lucky and one of the trees turns into a gem. But I am sure the chances of that are very low. Lol I guess if I dont like what they turn into, I could always learn how to graft and turn them into something else? Thanks for your input!
I know next to nothing about grafting. If I changed my mind a year or two after these are planted, could I top work/graft some scion from one of my other trees to them?
I know next to nothing about grafting. If I changed my mind a year or two after these are planted, could I top work/graft some scion from one of my other trees to them?
If they survived you could do that, and the chances of it working out would be good. My problem with planting 100 apple trees is that they have to be protected from browsing. Deer here will eat any apple seedling to the ground that they can get to.
I had 8 of them that were planted in 2018. Five of them are still alive one one fruited this year. Has around 2" apples. None has shown any fireblight and I have it my pear trees. Lost one to volves last winter. But like Native Hunter I don't roll the dice with fruit trees these days. The Idaho trees seem to be real thick in branches and leaves.
I have planted a bunch of these . You will not be disappointed! Minnesota & Iowa. Good growth and survival! Do not expect apples for 5-6 years though.

They are plugs , easy to plant and you can tube them for the first few years . This pic is from Iowa (planted in 22).072CC6EA-DB24-42B8-9D14-40C7363608FA.jpeg
I have planted a bunch of these . You will not be disappointed! Minnesota & Iowa. Good growth and survival! Do not expect apples for 5-6 years though.

They are plugs , easy to plant and you can tube them for the first few years . This pic is from Iowa (planted in 22).View attachment 57504
I believe you are the guy who posted the thread I originally read! I remember reading the person had them planted in Iowa and they were doing good. Do you have some producing apples already?
Yes I do . Mostly smaller crab apple type apples. I expect it to fill out a lot more in the next two years . Mostly in Minnesota.

The Iowa apple trees are still young.
Might I mention the cost is cheap . I can’t even remember $3-5 each ?
I paid $3.55 a piece. Shipping is also very reasonable.
My brother planted a few of those trees a couple years ago but when I asked him about them he said if he could stop mowing them off with his lawnmower he might have some decent trees!!! 😳
I’m adding another 10 of these in 2024. EZ to plant and maintain !
Well it looks like I ordered a few to many trees this year 😅 Have several trees coming from bluehill and WC's. No idea what im going to do with these trees. Wish I would of added some tubes to one of my orders for these trees. All the rest of my tubes and fencing is accounted for. Not worth it to me to order a handful of tubes and pay shipping.

Was thinking about throwing these in pots and planting them next spring....
Does anyone have any tips on what size pot I should use and what kind of soil to put in them? I know potting them is not ideal but it may be my only option if I want them to survive.
Well it looks like I ordered a few to many trees this year 😅 Have several trees coming from bluehill and WC's. No idea what im going to do with these trees. Wish I would of added some tubes to one of my orders for these trees. All the rest of my tubes and fencing is accounted for. Not worth it to me to order a handful of tubes and pay shipping.

Was thinking about throwing these in pots and planting them next spring....
Does anyone have any tips on what size pot I should use and what kind of soil to put in them? I know potting them is not ideal but it may be my only option if I want them to survive.
If you can get in touch with them before the trees ship out, I know WC will let you buy enough tubes for the trees you ordered from them , and there shouldn't be any extra shipping charge when shipped all together . That's provided he has any tubes left. I don't Know about Blue Hill, but I'd call both places and ask first thing Monday Morning.
If you can get in touch with them before the trees ship out, I know WC will let you buy enough tubes for the trees you ordered from them , and there shouldn't be any extra shipping charge when shipped all together . That's provided he has any tubes left. I don't Know about Blue Hill, but I'd call both places and ask first thing Monday Morning.
Looks like both places are out of stock online. Both of my orders are suppose to ship Monday. Might not hurt to ask monday morning though!
Thanks @White Oak for motivating me to call. Even though it showed out of stock on WTCs website, he had some extra. Going to get these in the ground when they arrive.
How long have those been in the ground @bwoods11 ?
I think this is year 3?