5 year old buck +

Apple, Common Wild (20 cui Deciduous)
common wild apple<br /> Malus pumila <p></p> <p></p> <p><strong><span style="background-color:#ffff00">**SEEDLINGS MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 5**</span></strong></p> <p></p> <p></p>
Has anyone ever planted any wild apples from them? I remember reading a thread about them on some forum years ago but cant seem to find it now. Obviously its a crap shoot on what kind of apples the trees will produce. But for the price I figured its worth a shot. I ordered 5 of them for now but may try and see if I can add 5 more to my order. Thought about growing them in 3 gallon air pruning pots for a year,then planting them. But will decide when the time comes.