5 year old buck +
I had a dozen or so horses growing up, and have some experience with grazing related illnesses. It has been a while, so I am not brushed up on the fine details. But.. If the clover is thick to the point that you think it may outcompete the grasses, I would definitely knock it back. You don’t want a horse on heavy clover pastures, at least not in early spring when sugar levels in the plants can spike. Too high of a clover content can lead to a horse foundering.
I wouldn’t want a horse on any pasture exceeding 20% clover. And I would make sure the grasses seeded/sprigged aren’t prone to very high sugar content in the early growing season.
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I wouldn’t want a horse on any pasture exceeding 20% clover. And I would make sure the grasses seeded/sprigged aren’t prone to very high sugar content in the early growing season.
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