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Turn my habitat into a wedding grounds


5 year old buck +
Not sure this belongs here but im trying anyways. Last fall I purchased some additional water frontage adjacent our cottage in upper Michigan. Note this as we get frosts into June sometimes July.
I have my cottage yard planted in high sugar rye grass with clovers which has been a absolute success for the deer and me not needing to mow grass. HSR is not your typical rye grass and takes a full season to thicken in.
We've decided to get married on the new property. About a acre and a half of level lake frontage. However it's all gravel. The attached pic is all I have to help visualize. That's likely the worst of it with a little more dirt-sand on average everywhere else.
What you guys think for fastest growing get a little green on the ground to last a day of foot traffic? Thinking the typical rye grass that grows in a few days, I'm aware it spreads like wildfire but can spray day after- perfect honeymoon activity right! Unless you guys have other suggestions. Ph I assume is low, currently under 3' of snow. A drill is out of question, could do some lightResized_20190812_184313.jpeg disc work but that's about it with the amount of rock. Wedding is July 4th of this year
Probably not the response you're looking for...but I think the gravel looks cool. That spot at least. Spray the weeds or pull them out. Use some carpet or AstroTurf for the aisle and where you'll be standing maybe, unless you're putting a platform up for that.
Sod would make the most sense otherwise.
Oats. Really thick oats.
But I like the rocks too!
Put a concrete sealer or something on the rocks to give them a wet look.

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Ha, maybe I just dispise the rocks as I've spent enough time trying to dig post holes and the like to no longer appreciate them.

Did build a dock and will be building a a temporary deck of sorts in the tent.

Oats is what I was going to start planting 2x a year for soil building purposes anyways if wedding wasn't occurring
Figured I'd update this. Since I've 'needed' social distancing we've picked rocks for right around 130 man hours on this acre and a half soon to be lawn. Stone bucket on skidsteer was not working since it just brought up more stones. Picked by hand tossing them into bucket or side by side box. Have had enough stone loads that I've built up a road through a wet area on adjacent parcel with up to 3 feet of stone for about 35 yards.
Much more beach sand than I expected. The bride likes the idea of concrete sealer on stones on a few select areas. The majority of stone picked "dirt" 20200505_120740.jpgI plan to plant with annual rye for fast green. Then spray gly day after wedding and plant buck wheat. Then kill that and plant winter rye yet this season. Hopefully 3 crops starts to build a little OM.
Just updating with a prettier pic. Recognize the tree to right of new dock is the same tree that's in first pic with my dog from last year20200622_093029.jpg
Annual rye is about 5 weeks old. Been spreading 900lbs of milorganite every week. Stinks horribly but has kept the deer off and helped establish life on sand and gravel. A part of me is going to really hate killing it all off in just a couple weeks
Looks great! Congrats.