trick or treaters


5 year old buck +
Had some fun with them this year. I had some spooky music playing on my phone that was hidden in a bush. I had the candy bowl sitting on the ground next to my feet. When they would reach for the candy I'd move my foot or make a noise. I even chased a few down the driveway. A few even came back with friends.

Good stuff!
The neighbor lady across the street from us did that same thing a few years ago, but she was dressed as a scarecrow. She made some of the older ( teen ) kids jump !!
I have a seen a couple of people do the same type of thing. Good way to have some fun with the trick or treaters.

I guess its just mandatory that you hand them candy. Not a single one said, "Trick or Treat!" last night. A knock on the door and then hands sticking out. Wonder if they are just future welfare recipients in training? I did hear a few "Thank yous"
Every one of mine said thank you. One kid who was about 12 jumped about a foot when I groaned. E even dropped his candy.. His dad standing on the road laughed his butt off.
Do you do something like this every year? Pretty cool.

I know my kids would be like, " we have to go to the house where they dress up and scare you."
3 things ...... It was the most pleasant Halloween we've had in years. Almost all said " Trick or Treat " and we heard many " thank-you's " and many " Happy Halloweens " and "have a good night " from a whole spectrum of ages of kids. My wife and I were talking about it all evening long. We were impressed.

The township police were out with their lights flashing driving all around the streets ......... not because of trouble ........ but to hand out candy and talk with all the kids out trick-or-treating. Cool idea.

Gwm's comment above about kids liking scary houses. Kids of all ages love to go to houses with scary decorations, lights, jack-o-lanterns, spooky music playing, etc. I always did a big display when our boys were younger and people used to come from other areas to see and hear what we had going on. I used to wear a pale, horrible vampire rubber mask when I answered the door and the screams were non-stop !! ( I didn't put it on if little kids were at the door - no crying for me !! ). But the ones 9 - 10 and up loved the scary stuff. The one year I didn't put out all the spooky stuff ( I was up-state bowhunting ), and the kids who came to the door were bummed out. They said things like, " We love coming here every year and bringing our friends. Your house is really cool. Are you gonna do it again next year ?? " That kind of says it all. I enjoy making memories for kids to talk about into the future. Maybe spark them to do the same some day ??
Do you do something like this every year? Pretty cool.

I know my kids would be like, " we have to go to the house where they dress up and scare you."
This is the first year. Already thinking of ideas for next year.
Not a single one said, "Trick or Treat!" last night. A knock on the door and then hands sticking out. Wonder if they are just future welfare recipients in training?

Not to get political but this is how I explained the difference between a liberal and a conservative to my son when he was about 8 years old.

I explained that little Jimmy planned for Haloween, mapped out the route to cover the most houses in the least amount of time. Had his costume ready a week in advance. Little Jimmy had two bags full of candy at the end of the night.

Little Johny on the other hand didn't think about until it started then he rushed to cut holes in a sheet and ran haphazardly through the neighborhood. He had 1/4 bag of candy when it was over.

Then I explained a liberal would force Jimmy to give 1/2 his candy to Johny so it was fair. While a conservative would let him enjoy what he earned. The kids still a conservative at 17 :D
some dude and his buddy were driving around in their polaris slingshot dressed up like batman and robin with the batman theme song playing. They got my vote for really funny.
Nobody had a Brady uniform and a flat football?
Better hope one of the scared teens doesn't get a hold of that Rope!!!!!!!

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