

5 year old buck +
Caught some guys on multiple trail cams going through our property a few days ago. Apparently they were tracking a deer shot over a mile away, we heard from various other neighbors. I caught these guys in the center of ours several years ago trespassing and shed hunting. They did have sheds they were trying to stuff inside a pack. I gave them a verbal warning at that time. I'd guess it was 6 years ago. A cop buddy of mine suggested filing an official trespass warning with the county, not the wardens. Does this sound like a good plan? I guess our biggest concern is ticking off sketchy people and running the risk of having machinery/property messed with in the future. I don't really know them personally but I think they're probably not total losers in every sense, but I gather they think they can go wherever they want.
Caught some guys on multiple trail cams going through our property a few days ago. Apparently they were tracking a deer shot over a mile away, we heard from various other neighbors. I caught these guys in the center of ours several years ago trespassing and shed hunting. They did have sheds they were trying to stuff inside a pack. I gave them a verbal warning at that time. I'd guess it was 6 years ago. A cop buddy of mine suggested filing an official trespass warning with the county, not the wardens. Does this sound like a good plan? I guess our biggest concern is ticking off sketchy people and running the risk of having machinery/property messed with in the future. I don't really know them personally but I think they're probably not total losers in every sense, but I gather they think they can go wherever they want.

That all depends on you. If you don’t mind them wandering your land, then don’t pursue it. If it bothers you, press charges.

Myself, I have told my neighbors if you are tracking a wounded deer, and I am not there, by all means go retrieve your deer. If I am there and it is during rifle season, either text me, and I will help you look, or let me know, wait until after dark, and go look for it. I just expect the same courtesy if I am in need to track a deer.

I do not give anyone else permission to hunt my land, and I let them know that as well, and I tell them if they see someone trespassing to either let me know, and I will call the authorities, or for them to call on their own. It is the polite way of saying, if I see anyone, or if anyone else does, the authorities will be called.

But I am easy to get along with, until you do me wrong.

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It sounds like they are habitual trespassers if you have caught them before, I would bust them out to the fullest extent that the law allows.
Prosecute. You warned them, they know they were wrong but did it anyway.
My grandfather always said..."Either you define the situation....or the situation defines you!" If you do nothing it will continue and they will have no reason to think twice. Go after them and show you mean business and they could retaliate, but that would not be a smart move on their part.....since it's "motive". Rules or laws without enforcement are useless!!!!
That all depends on you. If you don’t mind them wandering your land, then don’t pursue it. If it bothers you, press charges.

But I am easy to get along with, until you do me wrong.

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Bingo on both statements! You've caught them twice over a long period of time. Those might be only two times they've been on your place, or those might be the only two times you know they have been on your place. As far as pressing charges that's a decision you have to make.
If they were truly tracking a wounded deer and I knew who they were I'd approach them myself, unless for whatever reason I felt it would be unsafe to do so. Provide your phone number with instructions to contact you at ANYTIME to be granted access for tracking purposes, that's if you plan to grant access. At the same time it never hurts for an absentee landowner to have phone contacts in the area so get their number(s).