Trees orders?

I ordered some Asian pears.

Sorry Turkey! I always order from you when I can, you just didn't have what I wanted this time around.
Turkey is my favorite. He's got a decent selection, perfect for my home and home foodplot. However, zone 3 tree are way fewer and farther between. Hit saint lawrence hard all zone 3 stuff. With 4000+ different apples out there, hard to find the perfect place.

I just noticed SLN sold out of kerr. Kerr's a must have anywhere you can plant it. Believe kerr came from university of Minnesota. scooped up a mn 1734 this year.
Sorry Bows I just saw this post.

Mine are maybe five or six years in the ground this spring?
I have four, yes slow growers, just a few random apples so far and they have been small.
I’m going to fertilize all the wildlife stuff pretty hard early spring, I haven’t paid attention to the wildlife trees as much as I should have with everything going on the past few years.
I’ve been lucky to just prune and fertilize once in spring….need to up my game.
No problem H20. I don't get to every post on many threads in a timely manner either. - - - And you'll soon be busier once you start your house!!

Franklin has been a pretty good grower for us, and has produced some apples about 1 1/2" to 1 3/4" dia. I can't say it's been a slow grower here - but you know how soils, fertility, sunlight amounts differ from place to place. We gave ours no special treatment other than the usual when we plant any apple or crab. Our 2 Franklins are on B-118, and so far no leaning. We'll see how that situation progresses.
Went to tractor supply this morning for lime. They had 3ft tall honeycrisp for $18. They say 15-20ft tall tree.
Went to tractor supply this morning for lime. They had 3ft tall honeycrisp for $18. They say 15-20ft tall tree.
I bought a honeycrisp from them years ago. Not a bad tree. Grown at a nursery in Tennessee, I believe.
How bad were lime prices?
3.99 for 50lbs of barn lime. Not as good as regular lime. A little ocarser ground and some cat litter looking pieces in there. Bigger pieces takes years to dissolve. Most will go like normal lime.

Definitely more immediate liming action vs 6 or 6.50 a 40lb bag at lowes. Home depot is better priced with pelletized lime than lowes here in NY. Thinking the barn lime might be a touch better at camp on the sandy soil. Some fast lime and some slower to dissolve stuff too. Clay soil just wants all those ions it can get. Sandy soil hold lot less, or it just washes past it and down way deep.

I got a fine line between feeding the plots vs feeding the trees shading the plots. I generally do not fertilize and lime lighter 25ft from the edge of the plot.

Didn't wander to their grass seed section. They have 50lb lime for the same price as 40lbs.
Went to tractor supply this morning for lime. They had 3ft tall honeycrisp for $18. They say 15-20ft tall tree.
Both Tractor Supply and Lowes got some potted fruit trees in last week. I think prices were $34.99 or $39.99 at TS & Lowes . Lowes had a Few much larger size Red Delicious (I think) Apple tree for $49.99 . Nothing I was really interested in , but I always look to see what they get in every year. 5-6 years ago I had a couple Callaway Crabs from Tractor supply that never amounted to anything , so I dug them out. I've had decent luck with Pear and Oak trees from Lowes. I have 7 trees coming from Whitetail Crabs in the spring....but if any of the other Lowes in the area gets in any large size $49.99 Liberty or Arkansas black apple trees , I might get one to try.
The last time I looked up that tree vendor, they said they were planed of american domestic rootstock.

honeycrisp sounds like a great tree, but I've shyed away because of cedar apple rust. I hear honeycirsp has some sort of heavy calcium deficiency thing going on. Commercial orchards spray foliar calcium to prevent a scar or scab from forming on the fruit. Kinda like tomatoes busting open kind of thing.

IVe seen liberty and wolf river from home depot for the past 3 years. kieffer pear isn't a bad pickup either.

Went to lowes to check up on lime, mulch, and fencing prices, and to get another bale of peat moss. Was hoping to see some 2-3ft tall white spruces. I hosed one with roundup by accident, watered it off right after I noticed I did 5 minutes later. It looked rough last summer after doing it, looks dead now. Might transplant one of my best younger ones from another row this spring.

Any big box store buyers. Bust open that root system and check for root balls. Open up what you can, cut off what you can not. Did that with a end of spring season sale freedom I found. It is doing well. Also, even if the branch is one of the largest, if it looks like a poorly pruned mess, shape the tree to what you want and not worry about loosing the leaf mass.
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I have had great luck buying trees from home depot on sale in the late fall. I bought a couple wolf river trees a couple years ago and over wintered them. I think I paid around $10 each. Didn't know much about rootstock back then but they have grown great. I honestly won't buy another apple tree now if they do not specify what rootstock they're on.
First time I've seen chestnut trees at Menards. They also had Triumph apple trees.

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We have a local outdoor gun show that goes on here in late July that sells all kinds of anything hunting or collecting related.
One guy sells nice 3'-4' potted Chinese chestnut trees for $20. Last year I bought three and they did great, this year I'm going to buy ten or so if he is set up there this July. Wish he had northern pecans too!
I'm glad I started with a few box store trees and got them going before getting into bare roots and grafts.
I have had great luck buying trees from home depot on sale in the late fall. I bought a couple wolf river trees a couple years ago and over wintered them. I think I paid around $10 each. Didn't know much about rootstock back then but they have grown great. I honestly won't buy another apple tree now if they do not specify what rootstock they're on.
Rootstocks are the key to good wildlife trees - for most guys. Local soils and climate can vary which rootstocks are best for a given area.
Fighting the temptation to buy more trees. I already have to dig to china this spring.

I guy on etsy has the forbidden fruit scion in stock again. Since my backyard used to be a apple orchard years n years ago, I technically have several hundred less trees than I use to........
Fighting the temptation to buy more trees. I already have to dig to china this spring.

I guy on etsy has the forbidden fruit scion in stock again. Since my backyard used to be a apple orchard years n years ago, I technically have several hundred less trees than I use to........
I know the feeling!! I originally only ordered a few trees from bluehill but now I'm up to 15. Thankfully thats about all I can fit in the box so I can't add anymore not unless I pay more for shipping.

I'm staying away from any other tree nurseries website for this year. To tempting and I'm running out of space lol
I know the feeling!! I originally only ordered a few trees from bluehill but now I'm up to 15. Thankfully thats about all I can fit in the box so I can't add anymore not unless I pay more for shipping.

I'm staying away from any other tree nurseries website for this year. To tempting and I'm running out of space lol
I was only going to plant 6 or 8 apple trees years ago. We're up to about 85 fruit trees now at camp. Can't guess how many other habitat trees we've planted over the past 30 years. It's hard to stop once you get started planting things!!!
I was only going to plant 6 or 8 apple trees years ago. We're up to about 85 fruit trees now at camp. Can't guess how many other habitat trees we've planted over the past 30 years. It's hard to stop once you get started planting things!!!
It's definitely a disease! Not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I'm running out of room to plant lol Not unless I cut more trees down. Guess it's time to look for another property!
It's definitely a disease! Not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I'm running out of room to plant lol Not unless I cut more trees down. Guess it's time to look for another property!
Topworking a few at home. Making a franken crab. bunch of different zone 3 stuff at my house, so I got scion material at hand to make more.

Trying to stay away from pears and permissions. Apples, mulberries, n shrubs are enough trouble for me. Giiving oaks a try next year.
I wasn’t going to order or plant anything this year except my garden and then I looked at the local conservation groups tree sale. Now along with the garden there will be 20 persimmons needing put in the ground