The last time I looked up that tree vendor, they said they were planed of american domestic rootstock.
honeycrisp sounds like a great tree, but I've shyed away because of cedar apple rust. I hear honeycirsp has some sort of heavy calcium deficiency thing going on. Commercial orchards spray foliar calcium to prevent a scar or scab from forming on the fruit. Kinda like tomatoes busting open kind of thing.
IVe seen liberty and wolf river from home depot for the past 3 years. kieffer pear isn't a bad pickup either.
Went to lowes to check up on lime, mulch, and fencing prices, and to get another bale of peat moss. Was hoping to see some 2-3ft tall white spruces. I hosed one with roundup by accident, watered it off right after I noticed I did 5 minutes later. It looked rough last summer after doing it, looks dead now. Might transplant one of my best younger ones from another row this spring.
Any big box store buyers. Bust open that root system and check for root balls. Open up what you can, cut off what you can not. Did that with a end of spring season sale freedom I found. It is doing well. Also, even if the branch is one of the largest, if it looks like a poorly pruned mess, shape the tree to what you want and not worry about loosing the leaf mass.