I've been driving around looking for ROD hotspots in the ditch. I have an idea of where they are, but until they turn bright red at the end of winter, I won't be able to find them again. I'm feeling less and less that I need to keep going on ROD, but I'm going to try to do the $1000 dollar bush anyway just for the sake of doing it. I should get some ROD going in the SW corner of my property. I'll be down there in another year or two to start thickening work.
I've got visions of blasting in a new 1/4-1/3 acre plot next year. If I can pull that off, I'm gonna make some high spots, and that might work well for 3-4 apple trees on the north end of that new plot. I'm flirting with disaster being in bear country, so it'll be a small investment to see what happens. I'm not gonna get into $150 trees. Probably just throw some B118 rootstocks in the ground and see what happens.