Trees arrived earlier than I wanted. What to do now?


Yearling... With promise
Today I received 2 pear trees and 2 apple trees I had ordered this winter. I asked for them to be delivered the end of April but I got them today. I opened the box today and all of the trees are budding and even some flowers already. The top 8-12” of frost is out in my planting sites right now but the nighttime temps are in the low 20’s for the next week or so. Just curious on what would be my best option for these trees. Plant them in the ground or in pots and keep them in the garage until it warms up?
I once put a too-early tree in a blue Walmart bag with about five gallons of soil. I kept it in the garage for a month until planting time. When it was time to plant it, I dug a hole, cut three fourths of the way around the bottom of the bag, and lowered it in. I don't know if that was the best solution, but it was cheap and easy for me anyway. If it had already leafed out, I suppose I would have opened the garage door to give it some daylight and expose it to wind. In my case, it only reached green tip. Maybe somebody else will have a better idea for you, but there's at least one.
I'd put them in bucket or pot with soil and keep in garage. Wait until last frost to plant.