Train to Hunt

Is that program the one done by Cam Hanes?
Sagi Kalev, whoever the hell that is?

Don't know anything about him. The wife swaps between Insanity, P90X and some abs of steel type DVD. I think I'd die if I tried doing either. They're not my style of workout at all, but they aren't anything close to easy.
Thanks for the tip on the Jacob's Ladder equipment Steve! I checked out their website, but I'm still skeptical on whether or not my knees would take that thing. I would like to try one. I will inquire with some of the guys at work that use the local gyms regularly to see if any of them have that piece of equipment. Climbing stairs and riding bikes both have a tendency to tweak my knee more often than I would like to admit. The wife and I tend to stay away from the LaCrosse bluff trails when we walk the dog now and stick to the trails through the marsh.
I am in the worst shape of my life an it weighs on my mind constantly. 5 years ago i was 190 with 4% body fat at only 5'8" tall. I really need to readjust my life style an make the gym a top priority even if it means bringing in less money from working less. You really do feel much better when you break a hard swet more often. 3 kids 3 yrs an under really does make it tuff though. Wouldn't change a thing though
Don't be to hard on your self. 3 under 3 you get a hall pass for a few years. My youngest just turned 5 and I am just now catching my breath.
Don't be to hard on your self. 3 under 3 you get a hall pass for a few years. My youngest just turned 5 and I am just now catching my breath.

Thanks for the moral support Chummer. Gym time really is important to both my wife an I so we are making changes to incorporate it into our busy lives. We are planning to move closer to town to cut down on our drive time to several things like church, schools an gyms. I would love to live on our 287 but its just to far out. We would run ourselves ragged. I want to keep the farm for my escape from the noise an hustle/bustle.
Living in a place in the country like I do is like having a vacation home every day. but then I'm only 10 miles out from the city. I don't think you would regret living on your 287 when the time is right.

For anyone with a bad knee like me, it only tweaks if you run or hike too hard too fast before you build the muscles around the knee up (I tweaked mine last year when I slipped going down a ridge. Always, start while wearing a knee brace and then this is where you really need a gym because when not running you need to weight train those muscle around the knee. Squats are also awesome for this. I really was in disbelief that my knee would be strong enough but I could get it to handle a 4.5 mile loop after 6 months of building up to it. "If you don't use it, you lose it" is a good motto for your knees. Another good exercise that can have a similar effect to a ladder climb is a plank with mountain climbers (if done properly).
Just got back from my diabetes educator and dietitian appointments and I lost 9 more pounds! That makes 14 lbs total since Nov 21st. I thought the nurses were going to give me a damn prize. lol Only 100 more to go to get to my high school wrestling weight! lol They were amazed that I lost that amount given the fact that I did it over both the Thanksgiving holiday and the Christmas/New Years holiday. I was surprised myself and I haven't even started working out yet. The best advice I can give to anyone to get a good start on seeing some quick results is to leave the damn soda alone!
On a side note , I haven't had a blood sugar reading outside the normal range since Dec 8th, still runs toward the high side of normal a bit, but I have never been over the "naughty threshold" since then.
Just got back from my diabetes educator and dietitian appointments and I lost 9 more pounds! That makes 14 lbs total since Nov 21st. I thought the nurses were going to give me a damn prize. lol Only 100 more to go to get to my high school wrestling weight! lol They were amazed that I lost that amount given the fact that I did it over both the Thanksgiving holiday and the Christmas/New Years holiday. I was surprised myself and I haven't even started working out yet. The best advice I can give to anyone to get a good start on seeing some quick results is to leave the damn soda alone!
Congrats!!! I can second that. I have lost 50 pounds slowly over the last 9 years. The only thing I have changed is no or very little soda(only with rum) and no candy bars.
Thanks stu! Time to break the weight set out of the closet. I think I can do low weight/high rep at a fast pace to try and get at least some cardio benefit from pumping the iron until I can find something/somewhere to get a cardio workout that will be "knee easy".
Thanks to you as well chummer and congrats yourself! Keeping that weight loss going over that length of time shows real perseverance.
Stu, have you ever tried Kinesiology tape? When I tweaked my knee badly the last time and had to get an $800 fitted brace(it is exactly like the ones that all the linemen at UW wear) my PT guy put some on my knee in this funky crossing pattern and he said the way it was taped would help to cause a pumping motion in the muscles and joint that would help to clear the fluid that was causing the swelling. I thought he was full of it, since I have been taped 8 ways from Sunday for every sport I ever played since I was in Jr. High School, but much to my surprise, the swelling started going down that same day, noticeably! It only stayed on about a week(I was very careful to not get it wet while showering and such), but my knee was feeling a ton better and the swelling was pretty much gone when it finally started to loosen up and I pulled it off. I would recommend Kinesio tape for anyone with inflammation and swelling due to a knee injury.
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It's the crazy colored tape all the athletes are wearing now. Some Dr's say it's all who-haa, but it really worked just like my physical therapist said it would.
Great job WW! Keep at it.
I'm anxious to get back out in the woods, but the temps will keep me inside for at least another day.
I'm leaving tday for about 5-6 days of hinge cutting...That's why I was so willing to agree to the wife's request that I start working out on the 1st again. I wanted to at least get 3 workouts in before activities like this started up again. Otherwise, I end up rolling out of bed after each "work day," shoulder, back, knees all screaming at me for not being in better shape. It goes away throughout the day, but the first part of those AMs aren't a lot of fun.
Hope you're heading south to hinge. Pretty tough getting them to bend and not break with below zero temps :(

That "was" the plan...Drive all day tday, start working tomorrow. The truck decided it doesn't like that idea and now will be spending the day in the shop.
Down 5lbs for the month. It was a nice mix of hill climbs and short runs prepping for Sept Elk.
Nice work shawn. It's not always about the weight loss, sometimes it's about being more "fit" and not getting winded when climbing for elk.
Yep, I'm working more on stamina and then it will be a ramp up in weight training plus expanded stamina in my legs and lungs and what I lose is just the end result.
Last March I had a knee replaced. Part of the recovery/therapy was exercise. I was off of work for 3 months. The wife has a treadmill I used and I bought a Hybrid Elliptical Trainer last spring after my surgery because it was to slippery to go outside and exercise. Once the weather broke I started riding a bike (pedal kind) and walking more & lost 25 pounds. I'm 57 years old, 6' tall and got down to 191 lbs. Once I got back to work in an average night at work I walk 3 miles and a busy night as many as 7. But during the summer I kept pedaling the bike 5 miles a day. Once winter set in I was back on the treadmill & elliptical. Not as regular as I should but still do. I put a few pounds back on this winter but am working on getting it back off.