Trailcam pics

T-Max I finally saw your PM,get back with me
Crazy that this deer has survived. Got him last summer looking horrible. Three legs will do that. Saw him twice last year out of the stand and it was pitiful. Mercy kill went through my head. Well I was shocked when he showed up this summer in one pic. Honestly I’d forgotten about him but I’ll be damned if he didn’t show up last night again.

Last year


It is kind of bizarre, I have had far more pictures from noon to 4pm the last couple of weeks and almost zero at night. I understand the daytime ones, but kinds of confused about the lack of night time ones.
The camp member who runs cams at camp & hunts most days, recently said, "What rut?" Does he's seen with this year's fawns haven't seemed skittish, he said. Cams around food plots, and ones in heavy woods aren't showing much at all. Might be later rut here this year.
Got back from WV rutcation. It was a tough week. Between the Federal Government buying up our best hunting spots and the loggers cutting down every remaining tree on the rest of the hunting club property it's getting rough to find spots. The weather is always crazy down there. Started out 70 then dropped to 20, then rained the rest of the week. But as far as buck pics go, got pics of some of the biggest bucks we ever saw down there.
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The camp member who runs cams at camp & hunts most days, recently said, "What rut?" Does he's seen with this year's fawns haven't seemed skittish, he said. Cams around food plots, and ones in heavy woods aren't showing much at all. Might be later rut here this year.

If it’s like it is around here, he’s missed the vast majority of the action by now. In my area of the world the vast majority of chasing is over by about the 8th of November maybe a touch sooner. The does all went into hiding around that time and unless a buck nearly steps on them they ain’t movin.

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