My deer have been nocturnal since the MN opener....or shortly thereafter. I have seven cameras out......and have lots of pics in the nighttime hours.....but have not had a daytime deer pic in nearly 3 weeks. someone flipped a switch.
I've been thinking about starting a new thread on "how to provide cover in foodplots to prevent nocturnal deer issues".........or something to that effect. It's just amazing how few deer present themselves as the gun season starts. I have not had a single photo of a daytime deer (buck, doe, or fawn) in three plus weeks. Firearms opening weekend has become the only chance to shoot a deer without being a violator......unless you hunt deep cover. <----that is almost a must these days.That's a big 10-4.
I haven't made the hunting opener in about 5 years. This year was no different. I had 5 cameras out from Labor Day until the rifle season closed last Sunday and then I finally checked them. My 40 was not hunted for the first 5 days of the season and had no human intrusion for nearly 65 days. By the time I got there it was completely blown out by everyone else in the neighborhood. My cameras showed pretty good activity all the way to opening day and then action slowed dramatically. Give me superior cover over all the food in the world cause when the shit hits the fan the deer by us are completely hidden and gone until 12-3am. The few deer that I did see this year were the most skittish deer I have ever seen.
Monday morning I woke up to 3" of fresh snow. I went for a walk in the woods to see what the deer were doing. They were mostly headed 1/2-3/4 of a mile away from everyone deep into the Chippewa forest. The stuff they were moving through was so thick it was hard to walk in. You couldn't shoot 10 feet in the stuff they were in. Good news is we have a fair amount of very educated bucks that survived. Doe and fawn population is very thin in the area and a far cry from what it used to be. Wish our zone was bucks only. We could sure use it. People would actually be seeing some deer if our population wasn't completely in the toilet. The MN DNR shit sandwiches continues for our hunters.
..."people stink" in the woods ..... nocturnal they go.
Yes, he only has one eye.I guess the depth perception isn't too badGravel, looks like he has a bad eye also
I've got plenty of deer around.....but they do not enter a food plot or use any trails during daylight hours. They keep a pretty low profile for the past few weeks. I do not have a daylight pic of a deer in over three weeks. Making me re-think our hunting strategies and stand placement going forward. Not to mention adding more tall vegetation to our food plots for better security. Less food / more cover.It's funny how someone says the rut is late or they didn't have a rut.It happens every year and depending on weather and pressure determines alot of how much is seen during the day.If you aren't seeing deer on cams I would put up more cams in other directions and see if there are still deer there.More and more deer are avoiding cams,especially flash cams.Pre rut was the same as always and lock down happened and then alot of bucks were moving again during what is usually thanksgiving week which fell alittle on late side this year.
I went a different direction, I slather myself in deer piss all year long. I figured why not....Now that I have a small patch of land I can finally start my experiments. lol
I took a bar of Irish Spring soap, rubbed it all over a tree, then stuck the rest in the crotch of the tree. Checked the cam three weeks later and there wasn't any less or any more pictures than usual. (surprised) I want to try some dirty socks and underwear, maybe an old pair of shoes.
I've always semi joked about putting aftershave in a drip bottle and leaving it in the woods year round. Get the deer used to it. Then on opening day you slap some on and head out.Sort of reverse phycology / gorilla warfare.