Trailcam pics

Not sure if this will work but we got our first hard horn picture last night. This 11 looked much better in velvet.

What is the thought process with the T posts laid over the water hole?
It keeps the bears from using it as a hot tub. They would get completely in the tank and displace some much water it would be 14-16 inches low, that made it tough for the deer to get a drink. They are hard to see but I have earth anchors on each end to keep the bars in place, doesn't bother the deer in the least.
I like how this one looks. Decent idea of who it might be, but not enough to go on yet. He would be a 5.5

Apparently I have a touched vegan coyote, and the turkeys couldn't care less that he's there. This is also why I need high residue to slow these buzzards down. 400 pounds per acre of turkeys grazing my plots would put a hurt on that in 48 hours.



He probably just hoovered 5 of them right before the pics.
The overbite buck is looking good. He is a neat one to watch since he is identifiable.

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^^^ some nice bucks! I like the wide one and the double beamer. Any history with those guys?