trade you 2000 ruffled grouse for 150 elk

More hot lunch for the Black River State Forest wolfpack. I'd rather keep the damn grouse! Kentucky should ask the MDC how the trade went for them when we traded grouse for wild turkeys back in the late 70's.
Hopefully Kentucky will have better luck with the grouse than Missouri.
I wasn't aware that they originally released any MO birds up that way NoFo, I thought they were all released in SW WI. Cool!
All IN has for trade is meth-heads :(
Do elk and deer inhabit the same areas or are they more like coyotes and foxes in that's its more of a one or the other type situation.
All IN has for trade is meth-heads :(
We don't need any more of those, we have enough in certain areas already, them and the d*mn heroin freaks!
Would be nice to have 3,500 elk (what a wolf re locator said the real number was in WI) and only 150 wolves
That's awesome
Do elk and deer inhabit the same areas or are they more like coyotes and foxes in that's its more of a one or the other type situation.
Same areas here in PA, but not sure what type of terrain exists for the elk in WI.
There has been talk about reintroducing elk in IN, but the habitat isn't ideal. As I understand it the elk prefer more open woods and more open type areas. What I don't understand is how DNR's get pressure about deer related costs like accidents and crop damage and yet they turn around and introduce a much larger animal. Lots of folks have no idea how big an elk really is. Imagine what a group of them could do to a crop field or if you hit one with a car! I have heard that the herd in KY has done well and has even grow to the point where they have limited tags for them now. The thing is KY has a lot more remote areas than we have in IN and they have a lot more state ground as well to harbor them and to control/manipulate the habitat for them.
We had a minivan plow a full sized cow at my uncles place when they got out. That front end looked like crumpled tin foil.
Elk need wilderness areas....and lots of it....along with a proper food source. NW MN has food....but not enough wilderness area to go along with it. Bad medicine Tonto.
Elk need wilderness areas....and lots of it....along with a proper food source. NW MN has food....but not enough wilderness area to go along with it. Bad medicine Tonto.
I wonder how much of Mn. deer hunters license dollars are spent on elk, Moose, sharptail grouse, prairie chicken, woodcock banding, and who knows what else. All good projects, but we could sure use some help with the deer herd.
Yep - the deerhunter I am sure funds alot of programs that would not otherwise be viable. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it sucks hearing things like "we don't have the resources" yet they use your tag money (I say your - I don't buy tags - don't have to, so it isn't my money) to conduct projects that are either a waste or even counter productive.

I think introducing elk in IN is a bad idea, the habitat simply isn't here. Then again at times it seems logic has nothing to do with the decision making process.
Here is a description of the eastern part of Jackson County where they will be putting some of these elk.

The eastern portion of the unit is part of the Central Forest Zone. This terrain is
generally flat and almost entirely covered in forest or wetlands. In general, this habitat produces fewer
deer than the fertile farmland areas but still manages to produce a moderate deer herd with great hunting
opportunities. Although deer populations are lower on this side of the unit, the majority of this area is in
public property open to hunting. These properties include the Black River State Forest, Jackson County
Forest and a portion of the Meadow Valley State Wildlife Area. Combined, these properties offer vast
hunting opportunities on over 190,000 acres
The plan is to have a heard of 1,400 in the Clam Lake area and 390 in the Central Forest Region.
More hot lunch for the Black River State Forest wolfpack. I'd rather keep the damn grouse! Kentucky should ask the MDC how the trade went for them when we traded grouse for wild turkeys back in the late 70's.

It worked the same in MN. We now have turkeys all over the place and I don't think the grouse worked out for MO.

The local Indian reservation has been talking about getting elk reintroduced to some state forest areas <15 miles from our farm. There are 1,000s of acres of wilderness that would give them some room to roam but I am sure the elk won't stay there once they find the alfalfa and clover fields that are only a couple 100 acres surrounded by 1,000s of acres of woods.
Elk update: The Jackson County elk herd has been reduced to 21 animals after the deaths of two adult cows, according to DNR officials.

One elk was killed by wolves, but a necropsy showed it also suffered from brain worm, said DNR big game ecologist Kevin Wallenfang.

The other elk died from injuries suffered when it was struck by a vehicle.
It sure didn't take the wolves there long to find them. This heard may grow as slow a the one in clam lake.