Trade/Gun/Knife/Habitat or any type of show


5 year old buck +
This is in relation to my knife builds but it holds true for any type of show one may attend., so I'll post it here. I'm fairly confident all or almost everyone here has attended a show at some time and maybe even a few who were on the other side of the table as a vendor. Friday and Saturday was my first time as a vendor or having a table setup at a show to sell something. Every show is different but I just want to pass along my thoughts. Both days were long, at times sitting there and just watching people walk by. Other times you spend a lot of time talking to someone who you know is just wasting your time. If your lucky enough to get a table that has power to it you can keep busy on your laptop and keep your phone charged. If your without your limited to how long your battery will last. Then you get close talkers or people who do not know anything about personal hygiene. So keep these things in mind next time you attend an event. Was it worth it for me, I'd have to say yes as I did get 2 sales and a few people who said they'd be in touch but I take that with a grain of salt. Will I do it again, yes I'm attending one at the end of the month that Is a larger show than the one I just attended and again in March for a smaller show.
Here’s some things I know from being on the vendor side hundreds of times. Big and small shows. Most people at these shows have a certain amount of cash with them and they’re going to spend that cash one way or another. Getting that cash from them before they spend somewhere else is the key. People have 20’s and 100’s. So items in that range are much easier to sell. Hand them the item and they hand you the cash works the best. Get out in the aisle and use all the salesmanship you’ve got. Lol. Higher dollar items and ordering aren’t the best way for shows. I think the product that you have being unique and more higher dollar may not work best at shows. You might find it not worth your while doing it that way. Advertising in magazines or papers might be a better way to go to build a reputation. You might also look into pairing with another vendor who has a wider array of product that creates more show interest and you could be there promoting your stuff or let them display your items. They could give out your cards and take orders with some sort of commission for them doing it.
Just a thought on keeping your phone or laptop charged. Just about all of those car jump start lithium ion battery packs have a USB plug in port that can give a phone several charges. Finally got one of those after doing another bonehead move and needed to call service for a jump earlier this year. Was outta town for work so no one I knew close by to call.

Guy at work used one to jumpstart his pickup. Made a believer outta me. Had his truck running quicker than I could get over by him with my jumper cables.
My wife has done a food stand in the past cooking fried potatoes and kabasa as a fundraiser it actually made some money.