Tractor Maintenance


5 year old buck +
How many guys do their own tractor maintenance and what type of maintenance is there on a diesel tractor? What work do you do and what do you have the dealer take care of? What additional equipment for changing fluids, lubing and other do you like?

I’m pretty handy and don’t mind turning a wrench as long as I don’t have to fit into very small spaces. If there are tools and equipment that make things easier I am all for them.

Yep I do all my maintenance as well but I would call it fixing rather than maintenance. Usually only go to dealer for parts but I'm currently stumped on a problem with my old JD 620 so I'm getting advice from the dealership. The funny thing is I knew absolutely nothing about tractors until 4 years ago but if you own a tractor you learn real quick. I have a JD 2840 diesel and I've mainly had to replace leaking seals. Dealerships or local repair shops are for major engine issues IMO. Fortunately I haven't had any major issues. One thing I've learned is the internet is your friend when it comes to repairs.
Had afront wheel axel seal replaced by the dealer this spring. Otherwise I have pulled most of the maintaince myself. I'm going to change the tranny / hydraulic fluid and filters tomorrow and clean everything up real good. Then check some bolts,etc.

I grease and do routine inspection to locate small issues fairly often (both daily and try to inspect when operating)....but sometimes operate like a tyro.:D

I try to not be abusive to my tractor.....but my implements can take a beating. Timber can be hard on stuff......always a stick coming out of nowhere. Good guards are essential.
A few things needed if you own a tractor IMO:

Big set of combination wrenches to about 1.5" or more
I bought a 3/4" socket set too. (As well as1/2 and 3/8 and general tools)
Pry bars and big hammers.
Floor jack and handy man jack
Filter wrenches
Big crescents (2) and big slip joint pliers
Tire fixing stuff
Air compressor
Grease guns
Battery charger
Battery tender jr for winter.

Most of this stuff does not have to be of highest quality..... But will last a lifetime. Think Northern Tool. ;)
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I would not consider my tractor "large equipment" as it's just a 790 Deere (roughly 30hp). Basically checking and changing fluids, filters, belts, hoses and that type of thing. In general it is like your car or truck - if you neglect it and use poor quality products in it - you will pay for it in the long run. I keep mine in a building as much as possible and even wash it off with a pressure washer from time to time. I essentially do an annual check every spring, replace what seems worn and replace all filters and fluids, and attack it with a grease gun. You will want a grease gun with a flex hose on it as some of the fittings will be a bear to be able to get to (air or battery power ones are nice). So far my "fixing" it has been very minor (fuel line, battery,battery cable, bulbs, easy stuff). As far as tools go nothing special that I have seen thus far, you just need larger sizes and quality. Old farmer once told me that the best way to keep a particular part from breaking on your machine was to go out and buy the replacement before it breaks - damn thing will never break regardless of how sad it looks!
I really got my old 790 tractor stuck in the swamp once....without a very good way to get it free. HUGE rainstorm was imminent Immediately after that event....I bought the best heavy duty cable puller available (Wyeth Scott cast iron model). Good insurance. .....and I've never had my tractor stuck like that again. :D;)
Foggy - I can tell you from first hand experiance that those 790's don't float! Great little machines and will do alot of what you ask, but they just don't float. Can we add that to the "tool list" - sooner or later you will need a larger machine to pull you out!!! Nice to know where a larger tractor or even a dozer is available in your neck of the woods!
Today I broke one of the three point lift arms while I was mowing a plot....prior to tilling it. Looks like it had been cracked for some time where it broke. I have a small welder (no torch) but I don't consider myself good enough for this kind of welding. So.....dropped it by at a good shop in Brainerd. It pays to have tire, hydraulic, machine shop, and welding shop sources......cause sooner or later it all breaks.

I have wanted a torch for some time.......I just do not have enough use for it.....nor the space to keep more stuff. There are limits on what I want to get into. OTOH......I keep eyeing over a small metal lathe for my hobby and repair needs. :D
Yep, a BFH is needed daily around this farm. As well as a Welder and Torch!

But all a good farmer needs is a Rock and Barbwire, and he can fix anything! Just ask me!:D

In the cities doing HVAC service I'm use to having the right tool for everything. 2 years ago a hose blew going to my oil cooler and my Dad and I were out in the field trying to get the new hose on. We ran into this crazy star headed bolt deal on the oil cooler and I didn't know what to do. My old man took the closest socket, and beat it on with a rock. It was awesome! I always thought he was kind of a hack with the tools, but I've been beating on that tractor with rocks ever since.
Last week while doing hay the front spindle broke on our tractor and had to borrow one to finish up. Just got the new spindle and have to get it on, 1983 Allis 6060. couldn't just fix this with a rock and barbwire haha

$93. to have my lower 3 point lift arm welded??? Seems like allot. I gotta find a lower-cost welding shop.......or maybe I'm just to cheap?
$93. to have my lower 3 point lift arm welded??? Seems like allot. I gotta find a lower-cost welding shop.......or maybe I'm just to cheap?
I'll trade you, mine was $300
I really got my old 790 tractor stuck in the swamp once....without a very good way to get it free. HUGE rainstorm was imminent Immediately after that event....I bought the best heavy duty cable puller available (Wyeth Scott cast iron model). Good insurance. .....and I've never had my tractor stuck like that again. :D;)

I had the same thing happen with my 3032 (same size as your 790). that's the nice thing about that size tractor, you can always pull them out with a cable puller.
A few things needed if you own a tractor IMO:

Big set of combination wrenches to about 1.5" or more
I bought a 3/4" socket set too. (As well as1/2 and 3/8 and general tools)
Pry bars and big hammers.
Floor jack and handy man jack
Filter wrenches
Big crescents (2) and big slip joint pliers
Tire fixing stuff
Air compressor
Grease guns
Battery charger
Battery tender jr for winter.

Most of this stuff does not have to be of highest quality..... But will last a lifetime. Think Northern Tool. ;)

good list. i'd add chain hoist, cable puller and a 18v impact ratchet (or air). some of this stuff can be found on craigslist too. i found a 3/4 socket set for $15. harbor freight is another good one for tools you won't need often.
That is an ok price. He has to insure his work, and if someone gets hurt if his weld lets loose.
I suppose so. I guess I'm getting old....and remember when $20 would get most anything welder. Time marches on!