topping OP-367?


John, I planted some hybrid poplars, OP-367, as part of a screen under power lines. The original plan was for the poplars to get up to height first while I wait for the dappled willows behind them. Will these poplars survive if I either "top" them or cut them off at ground level? If so what height would you recommend I cut them for screening flat ground say 0' up to 10' max?
They can handle plenty of cutting.

Cut them down next year late winter / early spring. Leave 12" of stump and they will do fine. They will be as tall the following fall as they were the day you cut them.

What year were they planted? (I should probably know, but I can't remember)

I planted the poplars in 2015 and the dappled willows in 2015 and 2016. I cut the willows back this spring per your recommendation and they seem to have responded well. Should I cut them again next year?

Something I still have to do is kill the stuff growing along the edge of my plastic. If I had done that and fertilized more than I have (never) I'm sure the screen would be farther along. Plus as this picture shows the area gets less than a full days worth of sun.
Should I cut them again next year?

You can cut them as often as you like. In my experience the 2nd year cutting is the most important. After that it becomes less important. Believe it or not, those dappled willows will have a 3+" trunk in a couple more years. They get difficult to cut down when they are that big.
