Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II










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There's a strip club an hour away from my house and we were driving by with the kids in the car and they wanted to stop at SUGAR DADDY'S to get some candy. I thought it was hilarious but the wife didn't see the humor.
There's a strip club an hour away from my house and we were driving by with the kids in the car and they wanted to stop at SUGAR DADDY'S to get some candy. I thought it was hilarious but the wife didn't see the humor.
I guess for her sake you shouldn't have stopped.
There's a strip club an hour away from my house and we were driving by with the kids in the car and they wanted to stop at SUGAR DADDY'S to get some candy. I thought it was hilarious but the wife didn't see the humor.

Lol, that's great!
When my oldest was young he had a lot of doctors appointments (under 10yrs old). While waiting for a doc to show up the boy picked up breast implant that was sitting in the office. He just played and played with it. He had no clue what it was but he liked it! I was so proud, mom just rolled her eyes.
This was in our locally paper several years ago and 9715CB4E-2FF2-4124-AB7C-0FFC517FA0B1.jpegwe live in Minnesota (keep in mind)!
Lol, that's great!
When my oldest was young he had a lot of doctors appointments (under 10yrs old). While waiting for a doc to show up the boy picked up breast implant that was sitting in the office. He just played and played with it. He had no clue what it was but he liked it! I was so proud, mom just rolled her eyes.
Was at a wild game feed with my son when he was about 5, sat down across the table from a older couple. My son was eating his food and said he liked this one meat. It was beaver. He said "Dad, I really like beaver". I looked up at the guy across from me and he probably had the same shi* eating grin on his face as I had!!! Yep, proud papa moment.








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