Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II










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The news guy said this might be hard to watch. I got quite a kick out of it. Make a note when running from the cops don't have a gallon of gas in your backpack.

The news guy said this might be hard to watch. I got quite a kick out of it. Make a note when running from the cops don't have a gallon of gas in your backpack.

WOW the dumb ass should have blown up.
I was in Walmart using the restroom and just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said, “Hi! How are you?” Embarrassed... I said, “I’m aight!!" The voice said, "So what are you up to?” I said, “Ummm... Just trying to handle a little private business over here!” Then I hear, “Can I come over?” Annoyed... I said “Excuse me?!?!." Then the voice said, “Listen, I will have to call you back, there’s an idiot in the next stall answering all my questions!!!!
I was in Walmart using the restroom and just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said, “Hi! How are you?” Embarrassed... I said, “I’m aight!!" The voice said, "So what are you up to?” I said, “Ummm... Just trying to handle a little private business over here!” Then I hear, “Can I come over?” Annoyed... I said “Excuse me?!?!." Then the voice said, “Listen, I will have to call you back, there’s an idiot in the next stall answering all my questions!!!!

Glad you didn't open the door and kick him in the head.😆
One of the guys at work last week had to go to corporate headquarters I said “I’d pray for his soul”. A little later that morning he wasn’t in his office and I had some business to take care of in the restroom I was reasonably sure he was in the stall next to me so as I finished my business I announced loudly. “Oh lord please save Kenny’s soul this week while he is in Fort Worth Amen” there was uncontrollable laughing coming from restroom as I walked out!
My bad don't follow the news, care to fill us in?
Nancy Pelosi's husband had himself a strange attack.

I also want to be the first to say, "David Depape didn't kill himself."

Nancy Pelosi's husband had himself a strange attack.

I also want to be the first to say, "David Depape didn't kill himself."

Yeah the story they are telling is 100% not the situation that happened.
Yeah the story they are telling is 100% not the situation that happened.
It'll be interesting to see the police body-cam video......lots of questions here......and info is scarce so far. The below narrative is starting to circulate more.....
Pelosi has allowed crime to escalate unchecked in her home state, stood by Water's when she advocated attacking Republicans at restaurants, wants to defund police, and has a daughter who rejoiced when Rand Paul was attacked. Her husband was attacked my a male prostitute with mental illness and a history drug abuse. A man who promotes BLM, Marijuana, and flies a gay pride flag. Of course they are going to blame conservatives and tie them directly to the far right. Nothing unpredictable or surprising here.