Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

Had to stop for gas on the way home yesterday. A sweet old lady pulled up in her late model (2003 or later) Mercedes and eases over to me after standing at the pump for a minute. Thought she was going to ask me to help her with the gas pump after she fiddled with it. Much to my surprise she asked me if I could give her $10 so she could get enough gas to make it home. I told her I just filled up my POS 4Runner and asked if she wanted to trade. She said hell no, I'm not driving that. I let her know if she did maybe she would have enough $$ to get gas to make it home.
If anyone asks me for gas money at a gas station I tell them I’ll buy their cell phone for $20. So far no takers. Guess their sob story is bs
They make Americans pay for access to foreign markets.. At least that's how its working on the millions in tariff exposure my company has, my employer is paying them, not mexico or china.
Same where I'm at. Some of our (very large) suppliers have a blanket "tariff line" added to any PO. One of which sources and produces their products domestically. So basically as end users of their product we are being taxed additionally on their goods. No other way to look at it, unfortunately.

All of that said, memes aren't meant to be factual, they are designed for a target audience.
Had to stop for gas on the way home yesterday. A sweet old lady pulled up in her late model (2003 or later) Mercedes and eases over to me after standing at the pump for a minute. Thought she was going to ask me to help her with the gas pump after she fiddled with it. Much to my surprise she asked me if I could give her $10 so she could get enough gas to make it home. I told her I just filled up my POS 4Runner and asked if she wanted to trade. She said hell no, I'm not driving that. I let her know if she did maybe she would have enough $$ to get gas to make it home.
in her defense, a 2003 mercedes is probably worth less than my 8 year old side by side
Typo, I updated that to a 2023 or later.
Aww. I was going to say your 4 runner is probably worth more even if it's old with a ton of miles.

Unless it was someone else's car, that is an odd situation.