Ok, I saw the squirrel thing, but what's the significance of the gorilla?
Ok, I saw the squirrel thing, but what's the significance of the gorilla?
Peanut is simply the latest example of the ridiculous government regulation we as so called “Free” Americans put up with, here is perhaps the most pro-verse example of “Goverment out of control” we can no long flush a turd down the toilet!
Peanut is simply the latest example of the ridiculous government regulation we as so called “Free” Americans put up with, here is perhaps the most pro-verse example of “Goverment out of control” we can no long flush a turd down the toilet!
^TruthThe place I lived at before I moved spent a mountain of time and money throwing away toilets that worked and installed low flows. Within 6 weeks they were combing the building looking for leaks because water consumption went up.
I told them flat out it was because every #2 now required 2 flushes to get it down.
Government meddling in bathrooms has only made them far worse. Toilets that don’t flush when u wish they would, they also flush when u don’t want them to. Motion sensors on faucets that work at best 50% of the time, and paper towel dispensers that give slivers so u need 2-3 allowances of paper before you can get your hands dry.
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Yes they are worst now 1.2 gallon flush complete joke you doubt me throw away your 3 gallon and go get one of the new ones I guarantee you regret that decision.A 23 year old article about toilets? I'm pretty sure this has been taken care of.