hopefully its a non malignant fatty tumor. We had a deer around town a couple of years ago that had a BIG growth from her belly that was the size of a basketball....it was gray in color and you could see the veins protruding on it.
I've had the same thing on a deer on my cam the last two years. Similarly on the neck area.
Both years, the growth has disappeared later in the summer.
Never did quite figure out what it was however.
This guy had a growth show up on his side one yr. It went away the following yr but he didn't add as much antler as I thought he would that yr. Interestingly, his left side grew a point towards the inside of his rack. It was almost like a second main beam. I never knew if it was goofy on the opposite side due to the growth of if he just had those genetics.
I had a doe last spring and summer that had a growth like Catscratchs buck, about in the same location. maybe a bit lower as at first I thought it was an inflamed udder. She had twin healthy fawns and never looked sick herself.