Throw and mow/roll

We are due some rain for the next 3 days. I'll be broadcasting oats into my volunteer brassicas, clover, and standing weed plot. I have crabgrass, foxtail, and a good amount of Ragweed. The plot is about an acre or so with some thin spots. Broadcasting 100 lbs of Oats as soon as I get home. Hoping to fill in the thin spots for a throw and mow WR this fall. I might hit it with 150lbs of 6-24-24 also. Soil test from last year showed very low nutrients.

I suspect my plot will be a spray, throw, mow and roll though. Looking at Paul's mix is the 10% clover sewn in with the Grains or in a separate strip in the same half of the plot?

If your WR isn't near other agriculture fields is there any downside to letting it head out and getting free seed? My particulate plots are isolated from other Ag fields by woods.
I have always let mine head out, and cut it down, and disc it in, I have seldom got any volunteer winter rye, and if I did, I would welcome it with open arms. Just one more plant the deer will eat. Let it grow.

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I wouldnt think that spreading any rye seed would be an issue unless it is next to an organic farm where herbicide is not being used