Hunting where your prey is located is only against the grain for a few who think they are smarter than everyone else. I am all for keeping human pressure out of areas we want to hold deer, but I think it's foolish to not hunt a reasonable location there is a good chance of killing a target animal.
In regards to sanctuaries, a deer isn't smart enough to know the difference between which predator is which. Their brains just aren't capable of processing the difference between a human, coyote, wolf, bear, mountain lion and a yetti. Those predators are busting up sanctuaries all the time. The deer whisperers have never given me a response to this, they just push their agenda and count the $$.
A threat is a threat to deer. In thick cover a deer will jump up( a lot of times especially mature bucks won't, I've witnessed them hunker down), run 100 yards, and watch their back track if a predator isn't in rapid pursuit. Even if you happen to kick up a bedded deer once or twice in a bedding area, what's it really gonna hurt. It happens all the time, especially with the qdm sanctuary mentality, because these sanctuaries are overrun with predators like coyotes.
If you got a good spot, get in there early. If you want to be ocd, an hour before light. Get in that tree stand, and sit all freaking day. Dark-dark doing this even a couple times a year will not even register on the pressure guage. Deer just aren't that smart. No matter how much bone they have on their head.
There was a time my place was overrun with coyotes. I'm talking a couple pictures a night/ camera. It was obvious the deer felt it. They were uncomfortable, constantly on guard, difficult to pattern and Ultimately hunt. I'm sure this effected mature buck daytime movement. My buddies and I shot 20 yotes last year. It is a blast, I feel the rush multiple times a day chasing those bastards. Far, far more enjoyment than deer hunting ever would. It's kinda like the old days of deer hunting. The yotes have really been cut down, and my hunting has improved dramatically. Removing those yotes in my quasi sanctuaries has benefited the holding power of these bedding locations more than complete avoidance ever would. Plus it's fun, and that's what the deer whisperers never preach about....