There's a storm brewin

That was a good link Phil, I about choked on my Mt. Dew when I was reading this one though...

Nothing but spewing rhetoric and half truths.

"When the flag of criticism flies high above your head for all to see and you have no real answers, your only recourse is toot your own horn loud enough to distract their attention from the issues at hand." - Me

Yeah i got a pretty good chuckle reading through their "advocacy" in PA and NY (the states that I hunt). then I saw MN listed and thought some of you might get a kick out of that!

Mtn Dew....don't you know you can get the knock-off generic brand $0.04 cheaper per fl. oz! haha!

After i got "balance due invoice" on renewing my membership in the mail yesterday....I officially gave up hope....I was already there but that just sealed the deal.
Here is the funny part, when they banned me they sent me a biologic advertizement and said my add could be posted on the top of my Banned paged! Like I would advertize with them Hahahahaha! What a bunch of dopes!View attachment 369

Really...the mods are too tolerant, you time here is over. That's how they feel is the best way to handle that process? Thats what they came up with for a "ban message"? Mind boggling and perplexing. I guess i just want to keep on improving habitat, and my deer hunting....i certainly don't need to be a part of some organization to make that happen.

I also feel for you MN guys I wish there was more i could personally do to help.
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But Stuart, they have their highest membership ever and they are doing hundreds of things to improve deer management throughout the country and then there is this.....

The success of the recent North American Whitetail Summit is just the latest achievement in a list of new accomplishments. Conceived and organized by QDMA, the first-ever Whitetail Summit attracted more than 200 leaders from throughout the whitetail industry who helped identify challenges facing the future of deer hunting and management. Many also called on QDMA to create and spearhead a national deer coalition to serve as the unified voice of all deer hunters and guardian of North America’s wild deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage. “I am pleased to say we have willingly accepted this challenge and will soon be unveiling the largest and most significant deer coalition ever established,” said Murphy.

TOOT! TOOT!:rolleyes:

Is this a political campaign? It sound like one.
Must have really cleaned it up. I took a peak and couldn't find anything.
I can't see it doing any good to pursue anything myself because I am not a resident of MN nor have I ever hunted MN on a non-res tag. If the DNR over there won't listen to thousands of their own residents who pay the bills, they would likely laugh my correspondence right out the window.

Yep....that sums it horse in the race.
Is this a political campaign? It sound like one.

I am not certain what this will bring but it sounds like they are creating the federal government and we all know how that’s going. If there truly is one central organization then the state level DNR will have no accountability.

Minnesota’s Deer license sales should easily pay for proper management of the Minnesota deer herd. Audit every 3 years is what is necessary.
What upsets me is that OUR STATE DNR is being fed the QDMA kool aid at the QDMA "Summit". I for one, do not think the QDMA knows didley-squat about the deer situation in MN. I resent their "assumption of authority" with MY state's DNR. (can you see the blind leading the blind?)

.....and for over five years they have shown an active QDMA chapter in Pequot Lakes, MN.....despite NEVER having a presence here. Mis-representation of the facts. <----somehow pointing this out to the will get you banned for life from the QDMA site. Why? What a bunch of horse hokey. The organization pretends to have a big following with lots of chapters....but they don' least not here in MN.
You know I still don't have a clue what all this banning was about??? I never looked at another thread other than food plots or habitat type stuff in over 6 years!!!!! I guess I am not outspoken enough.