I had a quick walk about the trees by my house this morning before work and there are very few apples. Those with apples seem to be mostly crab apples, chestnut, dolgo, some morse bunches,and seedling crabs.
One year I planted somewhere between 50 and 100 seedling crabs and plum rootsuckers. I thought this was a plum, maybe a seedling crab, maybe a rootsucker form some rootstock.
This is it's first year with apples Looks like the dolgo.
A morse bunches crab kept dying back in this location. I put a dolgo seedling in the cage. dead Morse bunches is to the right.
The Morse bunches are not entirely hardy here. I estimate 1/2 of those planted are hardy enough. 1/4 died out and another 1/4 die back on bad winters. Perhaps they do not like this location that is quite wet and near/in the reed canary.
MoBuck ptt's were scattered on Tuesday night into my failed foodplots and into this area where manure had to be loaded after getting stuck hauling dairy pit manure. A light shower, then 3 inches of rain, and four days later. some of the seed washed away.