The Sandbox

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About a month ago, I tilled some of these tiny backwoods plots and planted turnips.

At the time of planting, I also tried some spray and pray plantings of turnips in some grassy areas thathad been mowed earlier.. Maybe 3 or 4 plants emerged. Not even worth a picture.
I hope this guy walks by one of my daughters during rifle season.
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I stopped at foggy's place on the way home. He is about 15 miles south of me. He agreed to let me post some pictures.

He has great equipment and tons of food on his place as compared to my land.
One of foggy's
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alice clover trails.
Another foggy foodplot.

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Browsed hazel at foggy's.

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Foggy were looking at this. Two questions-what is the plant and what are the types of beetles? Japanese?
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Tilled brassica planting in the foreground and no till in the back ground. All at foggy's.

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Close up of the no till.

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Foggy broadcasted some brassica into this heavily browsed soybean patch.

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I think this is black cherry on foggy's place. I do not see this 15 miles to the north.
Tilled brassica planting in the foreground and no till in the back ground. All at foggy's.

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Close up of the no till.

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The pics above showing the difference in young plants.....between the no-till area and the tilled area are quite interesting. Both were planted on the same pass. So far the tilled ground has 4x the growth and germination as the no=till. Niether of the areas was cultipacked.
The plant with insect damage looks like tag alder to me...the damage doesn't look like Jap beetle damage though

Internet searches don't turn up much for insect damage to alders other than alder flea beetle...
Got to agree on the tag alder. There were a whole cluster of beetles in that picture, but they are hard to see. Foggy might have a better picture.
Is this big enough to be used?

Up in the north country, I broadcasted the fertilizer, a bit of chicken manure, and some rye on the wooded trail.

The dead grass raked off better on the ground sprayed months ago, as compared to the recently sprayed ground in the foreground.IMG_8833 2.jpg
I finished seeding two small rye/oats plots at the Sandbox.

I've got a clipped trail for the deer that leads between the plots.

The trail makes a continuous loop around the outer edge of the 40.
And leads to the other rye patch.
Very few apples on the Sandbox after our bad winters, but the crab apples came through.


I think these are some rootstock suckers that I dug up. The protruding end of the crabs and size resembles dolgos.
This was definitely a rootstock and looks the same. I was told it was antanovka....


This is probably Morse bunches red. The apples are arranged in clusters and the flower end does not protrude.