Is that a garden tiller I see in the background?
Art, you frequently add chicken maure,is ti bagged or fresh. Where do you buy your chicken manure?
This attempted NWSG seeding is adjacent to the cottonwood thicket that I cut back two winters ago.
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When we had more deer, this cottonwood thicket used to hold a doe and fawn.
My second crab apple/plum thicket is adjacent to the ginnala/plum thicket. Neither is quite a thicket, yet.Here is my attempt at a thicket of crab apples and plums. some are growing well, and some are.....not.
View attachment 1143
That dolgo in the picture is grafted and on antonovka. Across the ditch where we jumped that buck a few years ago. I wish it were closer to the house for easier picking. But I do have another grafted dolgo by the house.
None of my seedling dolgos or purchased dolgo seedlings from the SWCD have produced yet. I imagine it will not be too many more years until they do produce.
Art, I would not remove the fence until the plum is 6-7 feet tall and the the central stem reasonably stout. The deer will browse the secondary branches and the shrub should begin to strongly sucker.
One thing I have noticed from my plums is after 3-4 years there is enough secondary branches that the central leader is left alone.
Frostbite is one of the UofM creations I believe. They've got a page for it: