5 year old buck +
Purchasing an additional 40 acres this month and want to screen along that fence-line. I've had really good success with a few different stands of switch on my property across the road. Two were seeded into corn/bean stubble, and one was seeded into clover. Frost seeded then sprayed each area twice and think I got lucky each time on my final spray and had great weed free establishment.. Lush thick stands in the first year.
I haven't frost seeded into ground that they are using for hay (pic attached) - land to right of fence. Would I be pushing it trying to frost seed and kill off the current grass, any tried that? I'm guessing it would be harder to establish than my prior scenarios? I don't have a drill, otherwise I think that seems like the best option..?

I haven't frost seeded into ground that they are using for hay (pic attached) - land to right of fence. Would I be pushing it trying to frost seed and kill off the current grass, any tried that? I'm guessing it would be harder to establish than my prior scenarios? I don't have a drill, otherwise I think that seems like the best option..?