Curious what the panel believes is best way to plant buckwheat Broadcasted 200 pounds of rye last fall. No growth n no rain. Now fast forward to spring. I have bio mass in the field whatever rye n grass. Should I broadcast 50 pounds of buckwheat in 1 acre then crimp and then spray glycophate and then run the disc through at 1 to 2 inches. Please let me know your thoughts on these steps and if you would change it. Ty
Unless you're just trying to smother weeds, a monoculture planting of buckwheat is just ok. Like Buckhunter said, mix it up a bit and get some diversity in there with the buckwheat.Curious what the panel believes is best way to plant buckwheat Broadcasted 200 pounds of rye last fall. No growth n no rain. Now fast forward to spring. I have bio mass in the field whatever rye n grass. Should I broadcast 50 pounds of buckwheat in 1 acre then crimp and then spray glycophate and then run the disc through at 1 to 2 inches. Please let me know your thoughts on these steps and if you would change it. Ty
So you have rye growing now? It depends how much rye biomass you want to deal with and what your planting dates are, but I would probably broadcast mid May after terminating rye with gly. Cultipack after broadcasting and pray for rain.Brian I have both cc6 and buckwheat. What I'm asking is the way to plant it via broadcasting. Broadcast crimp spray glycophate and then disc in the seeds or what steps should I change.
Nice to see what happens when you actually have rain @GMan5465 !I planted my left over Diversimax in a new 2 acre plot. This area had quite a few hazelnut bushes that we dug out with a front end loader and then disked and dragged to make a good seed bed. It was planted with a seed drill the last week of May. After planting, we fertilized with 100 pounds total. And…we got rain! Buckwheat was dominant early and now the sorghum is growing strong. Many of the other seeds germinated as well with the exception of sunflowers. Deer have been hitting the buckwheat hard. Plan to terminate in the next couple of weeks and plant my fall food.
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A couple of thoughts. My plan was to terminate before my fall planting which should kill it all. Also, it’s an annual. Shouldn’t be a problem based on that. I’ve got very sandy soil, so biggest need is to build organic matter. This is a good start.Gman. I did the albert lea cc6. I see you did the cc10 diversimax. The only reason i didn't wad the 10% annual rye grass. Curious on your thoughts. Your planting looks awesome. Mine is now been down 2 weeks but no way to check on it.